I have put over 7k hours on it since the beta lol
Dreams really is something special, the reason why i got into game design, it's a shame Sony didn't have the vision to move it further. It could have went from making it integrated part of PS5 UI or the much requested PC version with exportation, monetization, etc. Anything could have made it a success.
It will not grow from this point, but won't face a sudden dead either. This server migration is to guarantee that the social aspects of it (create/play/share) will work without Media Molecule supervision. There will still be curation and streams from Mm, but there won't be events like dreamscom or impys, major upgrades, PS5 and PSVR2 support, etc anymore.
As for me, i'll finish my current game, Protoland, and then move on to a different engine. I love pixelart, so something in the lines of Game Maker 2 or Godot seems perfect for a next step.
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