Halo 3, Gears of War 1 and 2, Resistance 1 and 2 and even Unreal Tournament 3.
What do those games have in common with Killzone 2?
Nothing, Killzone 2 bores me to tears with its underwhelming gunplay, horrendous aiming mechanics, and a dozen or so different control schemes, none of which that work very well. I mean what kind of sci fi FPS are you playing where your assault rifle does less damage and couldn't hit the broad side of a barn is easily out*****d by your infinite ammo secondary pistol weapon?
What gives when about 30 shots won't even hit a Helghast warrior but one blind aim pistol shot pops him in the head? The cover mechanic is flawed at best and the whole game just reeks of suck in every area but graphics.
A polished turd is still a turd when you get down to it.
I want my 62.49$ back for wasting 30 minutes of my life.
Another thread complaining about the controls...we've heard it all before and many people would disagree with you.
Tip: multiplayer is the fastest way to get used to the weighted feel to the controls.
People just need time to get use to it, after the countless floaty unrealistic air gun FPS's out there. All in good time. At first I was frustrated with the intense realism of Killzone 2, but after sometime I came to realize that the frustration only added to the gritty combat atmosphere.
I grew to love Killzone 2, and its controls even became second nature to me (I had to teach myself intense discipline and read many Tom Clancy novels to get a feel for firearms). I'm now pretty much a war veteran.
I'm now going to sign up for the military, and due to that brilliant virtual combat simulator (Killzone 2) I'm prepared to fight for my politicians.
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