#1. generic always = a bad thing. why, u ask? what do u mean why? its just a fact, i dunno WHY.. wat a ridickilus queston
#2. innovation is relly goodi dunt relly know why but its just becuz like innovation i cant even really define the term but its just good becuz it alway makes a game more fun to play no matter wut and stuff like that
#3. single player modes are always more importent then multiplayersbecuz gaming isnt about that its about storys and if u dont care about the story and just want to have fun or watever well thats just downrite stupid..
#4. is that graphics matter a ton and the only thing that matters for graphics is the sharpness not anything like "artstyle" and all that BS that doznt mattur.
ok guyz the last rule is about what makes a "good" gaime. this one, well most of u guys are pretty damn smart like me so its easy for most of us. its pritty simple.
#5. is that a good game is one that the pro game raters give high numbers. oh but then sometimes theres stuff that happenz like the raters give a number i dont agrees with and then i say they dont matta they just one persin.. ok.. but then other timez i agree so that game is good ok, so yeah, that ones easy. u understand rite? dont be thinking that a good game can b just any game that u like cuz thats just stupid. dont be thinking that a good game for one person mite not be a good game for another person, thats just stupid, ok.
ok so there u have it the constitution of the system warz
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