A thread about a game that has a sticky on any discussion about it ends up being a 30 page thread before it gets lock.
A thread about best graphics on console turns into a Crysis/Metro 2033 pic thread.
A PC exclusive goes multiplat, pc gamers say it doesn't matter the console version will be sub HD 30fps crap.
A console exclusive goes multiplat, console gamers say it doesn't matter we get to play it now while pc gamers have to wait.
Someone discuss their dislike for a game and they get ripped apart by fanboys with usernames and sigs of the game whether their points are valid or not. Exp. I create a thread saying that OoT 3DS deserved a lower score and Zeldaowns2011 w/ a gif of the new Zelda game as his sigs comes in a rips me apart.
Okay you guys turn.
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