I finally realized that Xbox 360 isn't as bad as I thought it was after playing Gears of War, thus destroying my fanboyism for PS3.
Here's my non-fanboy most-wantedlist for 2k7:
10. Crysis (meh, it's not going to be THAT good. I just want to see if the graphics live up to the hype)
9. Oblivion (PS3 if it runs SMOOTHER. I hated playing it on my PC)
8. God of War 2 (probably last game for the PS2)
7. GTA 4 (will get the version that comes out first)
6. UT 3 (deffinetly PC version, shooters are for PC)
5. Assasin's Creed (PS3, I just believe that it will be better on PS3 as it was initially anounced as a PS3 exclusive)
4. Halo 3 (I liked the first two Halos, but nothing groundbreaking as I hate playing FPS on a controller. Though will be interesting if Halo 3 lives up to the hype)
3. Spore (Love the idea, loved the Sims)
2. Half-Life 2 Orange Box (Will deffinetly get the PC version as I want to have great online and play a whole lot of Team Fortress 2)
1. Metal Gear Solid 4 (No comments here, I just hope it unveils the true power of the PS3)
Notice that there are no Wii games. I had the Wii and played Zelda and Wii Sports on it. Was deffinetly interesting and I'll soon be getting a Wii and wait for some sports games on it, like Wii Tenniss.
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