[QUOTE="Zenkuso"]I hope someone kills him one day, he really does deserve a bullet. I mean this early after it happens and he spews this out, he's gotta be the lowest sob in the world.hiho24
Funny thing is. If he was to die that way, then his death would be a shooting influenced by videogames.
I wouldn't joke about that guys. Murder is never funny. I'd rather see him humiliated and broken rather than hurt or dead.
I'm not joking. I'm saying that people who carelessly wish for his death over his fight against violent videogames. Are talking of his death because of videogames. Thus proving him right!
He isnt the lowest of low either. Yeah he doesnt like violent videogames and maybe he has a wrong perception of videogames but then again he has every free right to speak what he thinks than anybody else. Sure he has a license to practice law but he isnt going to bring the multibillion dollar gaming industry to its knees by somehow successfully ruling videogames bad. :roll:
If Thompson was just ignorant, that wouldn't be the problem. However, if you look up some info on him, he's not just ignorant, he's a jerk. Ignorance is one thing, but cruelty is another. He tried to sue the makers of Penny Arcade for contributing to charity because he wouldn't, even after he promised he would. The man is evil.
Okay so the guy is corrupt. That isnt the point, the point is, that people are going over the line in saying that he should be shot. Thats the most absurd thing I've heard. That their precious entertainment is more important than this mans life, and because he's attempting to stop the making of these videogames that he should die. No, that isnt right. And as I said before, that if someone truely deep down, believes in that, then maybe he's right! Because if they want to kill him for his attempts at stoping violent games then Jack Thompson is right on the dot with his accusations!
Now dont get me wrong, I play shooters I like videogaming, and I sure dont support the guy. But it is absurd of what I'm hearing. 33 people die at Virginia Tech. And you guys are outraged about this guy who comes in ranting from the sidelines. 33 PEOPLE WERE KILLED FOR NO REASON! And you are mad at Jack Thompson... Some need to get their priorities straight.
Its only the worst kind of person that tries to benefit off the misfortune of others. I DO value my stupid electronics over this man's life, because he really isn't worthy of being considered a human being.
humans>>>>>animals>>>>>>>>>random fungus>>>>>>pond scum>>>>>>>monkey feces>>>>>>>Jack Thompson
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