in this article i discovered today, it basically says that most young people are broke because of the economy. While they have SOME money they dont have enough to afford housing and a lot are turning to internet cafes which charge only a fraction of hotels, while still providing entertainment that most young people like, internet, mangas, tv, free soda, and even a shower.
if you think of the age group that the economy is most impacting, its not too hard to see why console sales are not spectacular. In the article it says young people "the freeters" mostly work for $8 an hour jobs and have far more priorities (like housing) to consider and housing is very expensive, especially in toko.
It turns out that the ones acquiring these console systems are either very young kids who have well off parents buy it for them. Or they have a steady career in which they excaped the bad economy trend which arent many. The freeters usually range from mid to late 20s in age.
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