i quite enjoyed it but it was a bit.....hollow (for lack of a better term) imho. i actually quite enjoyed the combat overall. i loved the visuals (though why they used UE3 is beyond me....a very stupid decision an biowares part and it shows in the games performance) and the game was well polished. but it lacked a few things that im surprised it lacked considering its form bioware.
the characters were boring imho. not one of them stands out at all. compared to someone like HK74 in KOTOR, ME has a very dull and predictable cast. not good for an RPG. im playing the witcher now and the characters in it seriously give ME a pounding. there far more believable. maybe bioware are building up to better developed characters for the next 2 games and jsut wanted to get the player to understand the world, setting and politics of the ME universe (which it does do very well i have to say). but yeah, characters need alot of work.
i also never felt like i was in command of the normandy. i know i could tell it where to go but, form some reason, it never felt liek it was my ship. my best guess as to the cause is that i couldnt do anything to the ship (in terms of customising it and bringing new features on baord and such like) and i couldnt fly it nor could i change the crew or promote anyone or anything like that. the level of interaction with the crew (outside the main characters) was also very low so it never felt like the crew was bondigor anything liek that....again a characters development problem. i remember getting the castle in baldurs gate 2 and i just got the feeling "yes...this is my castle". same with the highwind in FF7. ME just failed to capture any of that which was dissapointing.
the way the story was told was also very basic. u were basically spoon fed it instead of going out and discovering it ureself. the way bioware divided good, nutural and bad decisions also made the game even more basic in this regard. if u wanted to be evil then pick lower left and right options, good are upper left and right. not exactly thought provoking and certainly not biowares finest moment.
aa its mostly little things but it lets the side down imho. personally id score the game an 8.....still a great game but its not quite bioware great.
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