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So stop saying ps3 is more powerful than xbox360. Because it's not. ps3 more powerful cpu xbox360 more ram and more powerful gpu. XBOX360 WINS.SCOOBYJDOOBIEDOBut does it have teh jump button? ;)
WUT? Tr3y has Split RAM??? Does that mean the memory blocks are cut in half?
In other newz: Worst way to play RAGE is from DVD on 360, according to Carmack ;)
So stop saying ps3 is more powerful than xbox360. Because it's not. ps3 more powerful cpu xbox360 more ram and more powerful gpu. XBOX360 WINS.SCOOBYJDOOBIEDO
The cell makes up for both the weaker gpu and less ram in the ps3. The 2 consoles are EVEN.
xbox360 has two advantage's over ps3 more ram and gpu. ps3 has one advantage cpu. 2>>1 xbox360>ps3SCOOBYJDOOBIEDO
PS3 has 256 main, and 256 video. This has been known since launch.
The difference the RAM and GPU is smaller than the difference between the two CPUs.
You'd be amazed at what you can do on those 7 SPUs. But, there's a difference between theory and practice. Theoretically, the PS3 pushes out the most raw flops (as stated by Carmack in another interview) and you can get a higher graphical fidelty because of this...but it takes a **** load of work to get done.
And that's the line between theory and practice. You can get similar results on the 360 relatively easily cause it ain't a **** to work with.
So stop saying ps3 is more powerful than xbox360. Because it's not. ps3 more powerful cpu xbox360 more ram and more powerful gpu. XBOX360 WINS.SCOOBYJDOOBIEDOamazing logic
and why is it that all these 360>ps3 threads being made this past few weeks are all from lvl 1 posters
amazing logic[QUOTE="SCOOBYJDOOBIEDO"]So stop saying ps3 is more powerful than xbox360. Because it's not. ps3 more powerful cpu xbox360 more ram and more powerful gpu. XBOX360 WINS.Diviniuz
and why is it that all these 360>ps3 threads being made this past few weeks are all from lvl 1 posters
dreamcast=16 mb ram ps2=32 mb main ram multiplat's were superior on ps2 because of more memory avalible to the developers.[QUOTE="SCOOBYJDOOBIEDO"]xbox360 has two advantage's over ps3 more ram and gpu. ps3 has one advantage cpu. 2>>1 xbox360>ps3BigBoss154
PS3 has 256 main, and 256 video. This has been known since launch.
The difference the RAM and GPU is smaller than the difference between the two CPUs.
You'd be amazed at what you can do on those 7 SPUs. But, there's a difference between theory and practice. Theoretically, the PS3 pushes out the most raw flops (as stated by Carmack in another interview) and you can get a higher graphical fidelty because of this...but it takes a **** load of work to get done.
And that's the line between theory and practice. You can get similar results on the 360 relatively easily cause it ain't a **** to work with.
FLOPS aren't everything. Ultimately, the two consoles are so close in nearly every respect that it doesn't even matter which one has a greater "theoretical" peak because once you account for all the bottlenecks and other performance considerations, neither console can legitimately accomplish anything that would be impossible on the other console(in one form or another)... It is literally all down to implementation and developer choice...
Both of you are wrong, and this thread is a pointless trolling attempt.
[QUOTE="SCOOBYJDOOBIEDO"]xbox360 has two advantage's over ps3 more ram and gpu. ps3 has one advantage cpu. 2>>1 xbox360>ps3KingsMessenger
PS3 has 256 main, and 256 video. This has been known since launch.
The difference the RAM and GPU is smaller than the difference between the two CPUs.
You'd be amazed at what you can do on those 7 SPUs. But, there's a difference between theory and practice. Theoretically, the PS3 pushes out the most raw flops (as stated by Carmack in another interview) and you can get a higher graphical fidelty because of this...but it takes a **** load of work to get done.
And that's the line between theory and practice. You can get similar results on the 360 relatively easily cause it ain't a **** to work with.
FLOPS aren't everything. Ultimately, the two consoles are so close in nearly every respect that it doesn't even matter which one has a greater "theoretical" peak because once you account for all the bottlenecks and other performance considerations, neither console can legitimately accomplish anything that would be impossible on the other console(in one form or another)... It is literally all down to implementation and developer choice...
Both of you are wrong, and this thread is a pointless trolling attempt.
Actually, I'm not wrong because I just copied and pasted what Carmack said in an interview a few years ago.
I never said flops were everything either. This was just one part where he talks about CPUs and the graphics rendering you can do on the SPU's
From all the reports I'm hearing rage 360 looks better than the ps3. At quakecon, I think I heard of the 20 demo machines. 16 were 360s and 4 were PCs.
Heh, that's nothing to do with the power of the console though, mainly lack of HDD on all systems. I'm wondering though, if PS3 version uses mandatory install why the previews said it suffered from a lot of pop-in?WUT? Tr3y has Split RAM??? Does that mean the memory blocks are cut in half?
In other newz: Worst way to play RAGE is from DVD on 360, according to Carmack ;)
[QUOTE="Filthybastrd"]Heh, that's nothing to do with the power of the console though, mainly lack of HDD on all systems. I'm wondering though, if PS3 version uses mandatory install why the previews said it suffered from a lot of pop-in?WUT? Tr3y has Split RAM??? Does that mean the memory blocks are cut in half?
In other newz: Worst way to play RAGE is from DVD on 360, according to Carmack ;)
mandatory partial install. Sony doesn't let them install the whole game. Also, I don't know if the preview builds were installed or not... Preview builds don't necessarily behave the same way that retail builds do.
[QUOTE="gpuking"][QUOTE="Diviniuz"] just to show you how flawed that argument is by example John has 3 apples, Jim has 2 John > Jim John has 3 oranges, Jim has 2 John >Jim John has 2 pineapples, Jim has 6 Jim> John Who has more fruit? Another example would be averages on tests John did better on two tests than Jim, but Jim beat John on the 3rd test. Who has the better average in the class?SCOOBYJDOOBIEDOWell done, you have swiftly schooled that noob. WRONG you gotta look at consoles from the past to know which one is more powerful mistake's from the past show xbox360 is more powerful. RAM=POLYGONS/TEXTURES=GRAPHICS
That is completely ignore the fact that the RAM in the PS3 is faster than the RAM in the Xbox 360.... And the only difference in "amount of RAM" comes from the OS, which accounts for like 15MB difference between the two consoles. They are equal. The PS3 is just a bigger pain to optimize for.
[QUOTE="gpuking"][QUOTE="Diviniuz"] just to show you how flawed that argument is by example John has 3 apples, Jim has 2 John > Jim John has 3 oranges, Jim has 2 John >Jim John has 2 pineapples, Jim has 6 Jim> John Who has more fruit? Another example would be averages on tests John did better on two tests than Jim, but Jim beat John on the 3rd test. Who has the better average in the class?SCOOBYJDOOBIEDOWell done, you have swiftly schooled that noob. WRONG you gotta look at consoles from the past to know which one is more powerful mistake's from the past show xbox360 is more powerful. RAM=POLYGONS/TEXTURES=GRAPHICS so if I gave the xbox orginial about 1 gig of ram upgrade it would be outperforming the 360 and ps3? god all that console development money went to nothing, great logic
you have also assumed that the amount of ram is the sole determinant of RAM A > RAM B. If I had 1 gb of DDR2 and 1 gb of DDR4, which ram should I use? By what you have been saying you are suggesting all ram is the same and that memory is the sole factor.
WRONG you gotta look at consoles from the past to know which one is more powerful mistake's from the past show xbox360 is more powerful. RAM=POLYGONS/TEXTURES=GRAPHICS so if I gave the xbox orginial about 1 gig of ram upgrade it would be outperforming the 360 and ps3? god all that console development money went to nothing, great logic[QUOTE="SCOOBYJDOOBIEDO"][QUOTE="gpuking"] Well done, you have swiftly schooled that noob. Diviniuz
you have also assumed that the amount of ram is the sole determinant of RAM A > RAM B. If I had 1 gb of DDR2 and 1 gb of DDR4, which ram should I use? By what you have been saying you are suggesting all ram is the same and that memory is the sole factor.
It would have better textures, but lower polygon because gpu weaker.[QUOTE="gpuking"][QUOTE="SCOOBYJDOOBIEDO"]gamecube=48 mb total ram ps2=36 mb total ram xbox=64 mb total ram multiplat's superior on xbox? BECAUSE OF MORE RAM SCOOBYJDOOBIEDOYou can give wii 1g of ram but in the end it would be still weaker than ps3 or 360. Not really even if wii has crappier cpu and gpu. you could have higher resolution textures.
Well damn.
May as well have put 16 gigs of ram in current consoles, and just use pentium 3's and a voodo graphics chip for the Cpu and Gpu right?
Why did no one think of this before?!
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