Just common sense...
A 7850 can only address so much Vram, the bus width is a large indication, 2GB is already the 7850's maximum, it may address more with a tighter coded game and a locked down framerate.
GTX 680 cannot address the full 4GB Vram until put in 3-way SLi, where there is enough GPU muscle to output the frame rate and data.
256-Bit is the real killer here.
Tormentos, you read things like it is gospel, from what i read, 1.5GB is being used on the GPU, the rest is all stored in system ram in order for the GPU to have time to render.
This is why 30FPS, and still lagging.
Max 32-bit address 4 294 967 296, 64-bit is 18 446 744 073 709 551 616. (also IPv4 is a 32-bit #, and IPv6 is a 64-#)
The max theoretical bandwidth, of the PS4, at 30fps, is 5.87GB/frame. (does not mean it can effectively use that much memory 'per frame')
Having more GPU's in series doesn't increase their ability to "address" VRAM. When you run multi-GPU setups, they have to duplicate all the memory necessary for the full scene (3 SLI GPU's, each with 4GB of RAM, only effectively have 4GB of RAM). I'm not sure how much extra VRAM is necessary to run SLI/Crossfire, but the power of the GPU has nothing to do with the VRAM use; though depending on the bandwidth and processing power, you may not be able to use all of the memory in one frame.
I doubt the PS4 is having bandwidth issues tbh, I'm betting the frame-rate drops are related to a job on the CPU or GPU just not getting done quickly enough (not enough processing power, or inefficient use of).
Probablyn the last this is a launch game,which tend to be rush to get them to the finish line.
Resistance look nothing like Killzone 2.
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