Here we are on the cusp of a monumental month for gaming. The Playstation 4 is releasing in two short days, with the Xbox One following in a few weeks. Hell, the Wii U's quietly having quite the solid holiday season as well. But instead of celebrating and getting ourselves excited, the boards are filled with Xbox fans loving that just a few journalists aren't too hot on Killzone, and Knack... Well, we all saw that coming.
But none the less, in two days the Playstation will release. I'll be playing Killzone. I'll love Killzone. I'll probably forget all about it by the end of next year because that's just how launches go.
The thing is: this isn't our problem. It's the need for ratings and click-counts that have all the journalists in the gaming world going on a rampage of pitting us against each other. We've come to believe that somehow the console we stand behind somehow validates us as gamers compared to people lining up against the competition.
The question is: Why does the rare 6/10 score for Killzone make that big of a difference? Why do eight people's opinions (the number of mediocre reviews on Metacritic as of now) dictate that the ps4 launch is immediately a flop? That a few reported instances of early consoles failing after a few short minutes makes this a disaster.
What's worse is that the Playstation "Cows" as they're called (a name I'd bet some "clever" journalists came up with and infected the world with) are going to do exactly the same thing leading up to the 22nd.
But let's all be honest for a second -- Are there really that many Playstation loyalists that don't think Ryse looks at least slightly intriguing? That Dead Rising 3's nonsensical gameplay looks like a great way to kill time by killing the recently killed? Do the so-called "Xbots" really think the gorgeous visuals and enhanced gameplay over the first three is a disaster only a fool would enjoy?
Now, more importantly, do you think this kind of war was raged in the days of the Genesis and the SNES? I remember being in that glorious era where I longed to play Sonic and my friends felt the same way about Donkey Kong Country. So, what's changed?
24/7 access to an endless supply of other people's opinions.
Every last fault and failure in every console launch or otherwise is immediately scrutinized and obsessed about in every gaming outlet on the interwebs.
It's time to stop.
I'm not going to let some whiny forum posters and professionals who make a living scrutinizing someone else's labor of love and hard work keep me from enjoying the console I've chosen. And all the while I'm going to quietly wish I'd picked the other console -- this time being the Xbox One.
But it's not because they've released some end all be all console, but because I think there's plenty to like across the board.
The ps4 isn't better than the Xbox One. The Xbox One isn't better than the ps4.
But we'll certainly let ourselves believe one is better. The question I'm asking myself is if we'd really all feel this way if we didn't have other people's opinions on the matter plastered into our brains. Hell, this website (and all the others) thrives on it. We're in a system wars board created specifically by these people to rile us up, anger us, infuriate us sometimes.
When push comes to shove, though, the Playstation fans are going to come back for blood when every news outlet across the globe points out the small, very temporary flaws in the Xbox One are exposed to the gaming masses. And when Dead Rising doesn't get the 9+ score everyone's hoping for.
Just fruit for thought. Maybe we should all stop letting these reviewers push our buttons like this. I'm certainly not letting my choice of a ps4 get in the way of my excitement for the eventual release of Quantum Break.
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