Poll jRPG or wRPG: Which style you enjoy more when done well? (100 votes)
wRPG 60%
jRPG 40%
The Elder Scrolls, Dark Souls, Dragon Age, Shadow of Mordor, etc.. or Final Fantasy, Persona, Chrono Trigger, Pokemon, etc..
If you're on the fence, imagine if you're offered one new critically acclaimed AAA title from each sub-genre, which of the two you feel you'd pick and play first?
P.S. Sorry about my example for jRPGs, I just picked the ones I hear about the most (not knowledgeable in the genre), but you get the point, they're just examples and your choice should not necessarily be based on them.
Well I'm currently very interested in FFXV and not so much The Witcher 3... so I guess I'll vote JRPGs. Thing is, depending on what mood I'm in I'll rather one or the other. It can change from one month to the next.
Those are the games that by having my own customized customized character, where my interaction with the world is determined by me, has me deeply immersed in the world. And through that game design where the character is essentially an extension of myself, I feel like I'm actually role playing.
And Extra Credits did a fantastic exploration on the topic:
WRPG's without a doubt. I love Final Fantasy though, even 13, yes, even 13.
I always prefer the combat in WRPG's. JRPG's are almost like fighting games the combat is so frenetic and almost thoughtless. The exception to this is turn-based games obviously, but hardly anyone does these anymore, more is the pity.
Well I'm currently very interested in FFXV and not so much The Witcher 3... so I guess I'll vote JRPGs. Thing is, depending on what mood I'm in I'll rather one or the other. It can change from one month to the next.
JRPG/WRPG were classically defined by mechanics...not country of location.
That whole location thing was started by new age gamers. (COD kids)
Well I'm currently very interested in FFXV and not so much The Witcher 3... so I guess I'll vote JRPGs. Thing is, depending on what mood I'm in I'll rather one or the other. It can change from one month to the next.
JRPG/WRPG were classically defined by mechanics...not country of location.
That whole location thing was started by new age gamers. (COD kids)
I... never based anything on location :/ If you're referring to my classifying FFXV as a JRPG then yeah, because of its art style, world, characters and plot (what we've seen of it but I'm willing to bet it's Japanese AF) I'm calling it a JRPG even if it isn't turn-based.
I mean yeah, I'm an atheist, but cut me some slack sheesh :p
Anyways, I'm more likely to gravitate towards a good JRPG than a good WRPG. I've only enjoyed a handful of the latter.
If you're using the original meanings of the terms than Dark Souls is not a Jrpg. But of course people are just applying them to what they want.
@-God- said:
@ianhh6 said:
Well I'm currently very interested in FFXV and not so much The Witcher 3... so I guess I'll vote JRPGs. Thing is, depending on what mood I'm in I'll rather one or the other. It can change from one month to the next.
JRPG/WRPG were classically defined by mechanics...not country of location.
That whole location thing was started by new age gamers. (COD kids)
Were they? Because you would think the COD kids would split it even more on mechanics.
That's actually a hard one for me as I love both JRPGs and WRPGs equally. Personally, I really like Dragon Age, Mass Effect, and the Elder Scrolls series, (even though some people here say they lack a lot of depth which I can understand) Deus Ex: HR was a fun go around for me, etc. I feel for me at least WRPGs while still having some issues with creating great characters and stories, they usually have good characterization and story lines, but sometimes the gameplay is also very lacking.
JRPGs on the other hand, like Dark Souls, Paper Mario, Earthbound, Persona, etc. usually have great combat/gameplay (though some do lack a lot as well :P). Their stories sometimes and characters as well lack a lot of uniqueness and personality. Not that WRPGs are masters at that either, but still. :P
I guess if I were to pick which I would play being handed one, I would probably be JRPG (unless it was a WRPG series I love).
I'm not a big fan of either anymore. In their heyday like gens 4 and 5 JRPGs were just amazing. These days it's slim pickings for quality on either side. I only really get hyped for Souls games and those fall in a weird grey area between the two.
I'm not big on the genre in general, but I'd rather give a wrpg a chance over a jrpg. With that said, my top three favorite rpgs are jrpgs: Pokemon R/B/Y, Chrono Trigger, and Panzer Dragoon Saga.
The OP made it clear that he refers to sub-genres when mentioning wrpg/jrpg, not development location. The term can be used for both.
So Dark Souls goes into wrpg category in this thread.
If you disagree, make another thread pitting game development location rather than sub-genre.
"JRPG" and "WRPG" are just slang words, not "sub-genres". The actual RPG sub-genres are turn-based RPG, action RPG, tactical RPG, dungeon crawler, MMO, roguelike, role-playing shooter, etc. And like most slang words, there is no clear definition of what "JRPG" and "WRPG" are supposed to mean, with almost every fan just making up their own definitions. These slang words have about as many different meanings as the F-word.
Even if we were to make futile attempts at trying to inaccurately define "JRPG" and "WRPG" as so-called "sub-genres", it would make far more sense to classify Dark Souls as a "JRPG"... Its gameplay belongs to the same Japanese school of action-RPG design as the likes of Monster Hunter, Dragon's Dogma, Soul Sacrifice, Toukiden, etc. Demon's Souls was originally exclusive to the Japanese market, targeting that demographic (but was overshadowed by Monster Hunter clones). It wasn't until Atlus USA took a gamble on Demon's Souls and released it Westside that it became unexpectedly popular in the West, even though it was originally targeted towards a Japanese audience.
The OP made it clear that he refers to sub-genres when mentioning wrpg/jrpg, not development location. The term can be used for both.
So Dark Souls goes into wrpg category in this thread.
If you disagree, make another thread pitting game development location rather than sub-genre.
"JRPG" and "WRPG" are just slang words, not "sub-genres". The actual RPG sub-genres are turn-based RPG, action RPG, tactical RPG, dungeon crawler, MMO, roguelike, role-playing shooter, etc. And like most slang words, there is no clear definition of what "JRPG" and "WRPG" are supposed to mean, with almost every fan just making up their own definitions. These slang words have about as many different meanings as the F-word.
Even if we were to make futile attempts at trying to inaccurately define "JRPG" and "WRPG" as so-called "sub-genres", it would make far more sense to classify Dark Souls as a "JRPG"... Its gameplay belongs to the same Japanese school of action-RPG design as the likes of Monster Hunter, Dragon's Dogma, Soul Sacrifice, Toukiden, etc. Demon's Souls was originally exclusive to the Japanese market, targeting that demographic (but was overshadowed by Monster Hunter clones). It wasn't until Atlus USA took a gamble on Demon's Souls and released it Westside that it became unexpectedly popular in the West, even though it was originally targeted towards a Japanese audience.
Spiky-haired very young teens typically including young girls with enormous 'assets' a typical coming of age while saving the world plot a painfully generic anime artistic style with characters and environments that lack detail incredibly hectic mindless combat which has replaced turn based in recent years yes I think it's safe to say we all know what to expect from a typical JRPG these days as opposed to WRPG's.
There is a HUGE difference. Obviously some titles blur the lines but yeah I can see a hell of a difference between Skyrim as an i.e. and just about any Tales or FF game.
I'm not a big fan of either anymore. In their heyday like gens 4 and 5 JRPGs were just amazing. These days it's slim pickings for quality on either side. I only really get hyped for Souls games and those fall in a weird grey area between the two.
There is no "grey" area Souls is 100% created and developed by a Japanese team located in Japan. PC fanboys and people who hate to give credit to anything japense simply want to lable it a WRPG because it's better than any WRPG attempting the same setting.
It's hillarious to see anyone suggest that the Souls games aren't JRPGs because of it's setting and action play style because if that's the case neither is FFXV, same would apply to Dragon Heoros...the list really goes on.
The truth is the Souls game are so much better than any of the real WRPG's they could list, it hurts their argument so they try and disqualify it from very beginning.
FFXV is even more (for the classification objectors are trying to use) of an WRPG than Souls/Bloodborne but you don't see it being thrown in the WRPG lists here because they don't think it helps their argument
Oh look, open world action rpg (same as TW3)...so why isn't this call a WRPG too? It's a WRPG right?
Oh look, action rpg set in mid-evil environment, and look they have armor, it's also action, not turn based..must be a WRPG right? GOTTA BE A WRPG...I MEAN, LOOK AT THAT ARMOR AND CASTLE IN THE BACKGROUND!!!
lol desperate hermits and Japanese hating pricks can't have it both ways. So a game is a JRPG can't be action based, have a mid evil setting or be in an open world? So desperate, those are the arguments we hear when a Japanese dev creates a game that craps on WRPGs using the same framework. Case in point, they claim the Souls series but not Dragon Heroes.
You're actually right. It's definitely a mood thing for me as well when it comes to genres. I wouldn't mind picking up and trying a new JRPG over WRPG if it had good voice acting (no text).
The OP made it clear that he refers to sub-genres when mentioning wrpg/jrpg, not development location. The term can be used for both.
So Dark Souls goes into wrpg category in this thread.
If you disagree, make another thread pitting game development location rather than sub-genre.
"JRPG" and "WRPG" are just slang words, not "sub-genres". The actual RPG sub-genres are turn-based RPG, action RPG, tactical RPG, dungeon crawler, MMO, roguelike, role-playing shooter, etc. And like most slang words, there is no clear definition of what "JRPG" and "WRPG" are supposed to mean, with almost every fan just making up their own definitions. These slang words have about as many different meanings as the F-word.
Even if we were to make futile attempts at trying to inaccurately define "JRPG" and "WRPG" as so-called "sub-genres", it would make far more sense to classify Dark Souls as a "JRPG"... Its gameplay belongs to the same Japanese school of action-RPG design as the likes of Monster Hunter, Dragon's Dogma, Soul Sacrifice, Toukiden, etc. Demon's Souls was originally exclusive to the Japanese market, targeting that demographic (but was overshadowed by Monster Hunter clones). It wasn't until Atlus USA took a gamble on Demon's Souls and released it Westside that it became unexpectedly popular in the West, even though it was originally targeted towards a Japanese audience.
Spiky-haired very young teens typically including young girls with enormous 'assets' a typical coming of age while saving the world plot a painfully generic anime artistic style with characters and environments that lack detail incredibly hectic mindless combat which has replaced turn based in recent years yes I think it's safe to say we all know what to expect from a typical JRPG these days as opposed to WRPG's.
There is a HUGE difference. Obviously some titles blur the lines but yeah I can see a hell of a difference between Skyrim as an i.e. and just about any Tales or FF game.
Just replace the "Spiky-haired very young teens" with "Beefy 30-something bro-dudes on steroids", replace the "young girls" with "naked young women you can shag", and remove the "coming of age" part... and what you've got now is a "typical" WRPG.
...Yeah, that must be the "huge" difference between Monster Hunter and just about any BioWare or Witcher game.
Just replace the "Spiky-haired very young teens" with "Beefy 30-something bro-dudes on steroids", replace the "young girls" with "naked young women you can shag", and remove the "coming of age" part... and what you've got now is a "typical" WRPG.
...Yeah, that must be the "huge" difference between Monster Hunter and just about any BioWare or Witcher game.
WRPG are usually known for some form of character creation so I'm nost sure how you concluded "beefy bro-dude".
And if you're referring to Geralt...he's not a bro-dude he has long hair and is old lol....
But if I had to choose, WRPGs........I don't like turn-based combat.....and most WRPGs tend to be action oriented. Witcher 2, Fallout games, are examples.
Honestly way too hard to answer. I love!!! The Mass Effect Trilogy, and like Dragon Age, Fallout, Witcher and so forth. But I do Love a good jrpg too. They are tied in my opinion and both offer similar but yet different experiences.
I like both but JRPGs, I guess. Also, Dark Souls is a JRPG. I don't know any WRPGs that play like Dark Souls but I know plenty of JRPGs like Faxanadu, Terranigma, Sword of Mana, etc. Dark Souls is just a 3D version of those games.
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