By no means am I calling Pokemon the best RPG ever (as its combat is way to minimalistic), but its design is the antithesis of games like FFXIII. It has an expansive world with a non-linear design, lots of secrets, lots of exploration. It is a JRPG in which the gameplay outside of the combat is actually interesting. Its is overflowing with things to do.
Now before I'm bombarded with comments about how rehashed Pokemon is, let me just say that I agree. They need to breath new life into the franchise and come up with some new Pokemon that don't look like ass. Its getting stale by now. But I'm just talking about the overall design of the game. Just think of how cool a game that took Pokemon's world design and put a rewarding combat system into it and included a richer story would be. I literally dream about a Pokemon on consoles that has a deep combat system.
Xenogears looks like it is trying to achieve an expansive world design, but JRPGs too often take the linear route. Designing JRPGs in the vein of Pokemon could only be a good thing IMO.
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