omgomgomgomg discuss?! :o
Judge Declines to Rule on Sony's PlayStation Hack Take Down Demand^
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Gaming on psn is going to be a disaster soon. Im kinda torn between this because homebrew sounds cool but i wanna support the devs no matter who it isbigboss5ak
doubt it
[QUOTE="bigboss5ak"]Gaming on psn is going to be a disaster soon. Im kinda torn between this because homebrew sounds cool but i wanna support the devs no matter who it isImaPirate0202
doubt it
It already is on MW2.
inbefore MW2 sucks anyway.
[QUOTE="bigboss5ak"]Gaming on psn is going to be a disaster soon. Im kinda torn between this because homebrew sounds cool but i wanna support the devs no matter who it isMetalscarz
doubt it
It already is on MW2.
inbefore MW2 sucks anyway.
How so?
Thanks GeoHotz for screwing up the industry even more now.
Thanks for the custom lobbies that will destroy online games.
When's the next Playstation coming out? :|
doubt it
It already is on MW2.
inbefore MW2 sucks anyway.
Yeah, MW2 hacking (depending on how you define the word of course lol) has been around for a while for both XBL and PSN.
doubt it
It already is on MW2.
inbefore MW2 sucks anyway.
How so?
AIM bots, modded lobbies that either give you all the unlocks or take them all away, no gravity or low gravity, constant air support, invinsible players, Nuke Timer from the start of the match, slow motion, fast motion, Pretty much anything that used to be possible only on the PC. I only just picked it up last wk, and didn't really believe the comments on the PS3 MW2 Gamefaqs board until I seen it myself.
Fact is though the vast majority of those were possible long before the great PS3 hack. Even the 360 version has had problems but MS is better at keeping mods offline then Sony.
With the ability to sign PS3 code without hardware mods now? ****storm incoming.
Soon even the poorest/dumbest douchbags up for some cheating will be able to run these hacks that already exists without much effort or expensive hardware.
Gaming on psn is going to be a disaster soon. Im kinda torn between this because homebrew sounds cool but i wanna support the devs no matter who it isbigboss5akXBL isn't a disaster so why would PSN be?
Sony's argument is weak, even their "it must be done in California" argument.
does he realise he is crippling the gaming industry?weather you like sony or not, stuff like this never a good thing for honest gamers.dvalo9Sony fans are so uninformed. He's arguing for anybody's right to do what we please with the stuff we own, not for piracy.
Sony's lawsuit is gong to get thrown out and pirating gamers are going to rejoice across the globe. lol!! I don't see Sony having a case here, but we'll see what happens.
omgomgomgomg discuss?! :o
Judge Declines to Rule on Sony's PlayStation Hack Take Down Demand^
Maybe they should move to other products such as cars, etc.. where you couldn't really modify them because it's not intended by the manufacturers. After all modifying a car is more dangerous, they shouldn't even allow you to open the hood.I'm still hoping Sony wins this.
The month after MW2 was released I ended up in a hacked match. Everyone speed was at max but everything else the hacker let stay normal.austi722
Same happened to me. It wasn't a month after release, but it was well before all of the geohot drama.
The guy said that people pay him to run MW2 matches so that they can unlock all of their stuff. I don't know what motivates someone to pay to cheat at a game so that they can get fake achievements. They definitely have a few psychological disorders.
Maybe they should be to other products such as cars, etc.. where you couldn't really modify them because it's not intended by the manufacturers. After all modifying a car is more dangerous, they shouldn't even allow you to open the hood. themyth01Why does every thread on everything need an inappropriate / irrelevant car related analogy?
[QUOTE="ChubbyGuy40"]Maybe they should be to other products such as cars, etc.. where you couldn't really modify them because it's not intended by the manufacturers. After all modifying a car is more dangerous, they shouldn't even allow you to open the hood.I'm still hoping Sony wins this.
Except a car isn't a digital product that has its own software. Thats not a good analogy. Plus manufactorers love for you to mod cars. More money for them and their partners.
All I'm saying is that theres no need for this hack and I see it doing more harm than good, for everybody. This is only going to open the door for piracy. It happens on every, damn, console once they get root access. Even if it wasn't his intent, he knows its gonna happen. He and that other group could've stopped this but they decide to go ahead and release their work. You bought a PS3 for Blu-Ray capabilities, games, and the other programs Sony included. Theres no need for anything this hack might bring forth when it can all be done on a PC.
Maybe they should be to other products such as cars, etc.. where you couldn't really modify them because it's not intended by the manufacturers. After all modifying a car is more dangerous, they shouldn't even allow you to open the hood.[QUOTE="themyth01"][QUOTE="ChubbyGuy40"]
I'm still hoping Sony wins this.
Except a car isn't a digital product that has its own software. Thats not a good analogy. Plus manufactorers love for you to mod cars. More money for them and their partners.
All I'm saying is that theres no need for this hack and I see it doing more harm than good, for everybody. This is only going to open the door for piracy. It happens on every, damn, console once they get root access. Even if it wasn't his intent, he knows its gonna happen. He and that other group could've stopped this but they decide to go ahead and release their work. You bought a PS3 for Blu-Ray capabilities, games, and the other programs Sony included. Theres no need for anything this hack might bring forth when it can all be done on a PC.
Bluray and gaming can be done on the PC, why have a console at all?
Maybe they should be to other products such as cars, etc.. where you couldn't really modify them because it's not intended by the manufacturers. After all modifying a car is more dangerous, they shouldn't even allow you to open the hood.[QUOTE="themyth01"][QUOTE="ChubbyGuy40"] [QUOTE="ChubbyGuy40"]
I'm still hoping Sony wins this.
Except a car isn't a digital product that has its own software. Thats not a good analogy. Plus manufactorers love for you to mod cars. More money for them and their partners.
All I'm saying is that theres no need for this hack and I see it doing more harm than good, for everybody. This is only going to open the door for piracy. It happens on every, damn, console once they get root access. Even if it wasn't his intent, he knows its gonna happen. He and that other group could've stopped this but they decide to go ahead and release their work. You bought a PS3 for Blu-Ray capabilities, games, and the other programs Sony included. Theres no need for anything this hack might bring forth when it can all be done on a PC.
Is that supposed to be a joke? a Car is running millions of programs at any time when it's on. And yes, the PS3 hack will probably cause more PS3 sales, more sales for Sony.There are many things that are not needed but we still want them, doesn't make it any less relevant since most things are not really necessary including the entire system. If he wants to run Linux on his PS3 and he found a way then he should be able to do it. It's his PS3, he should be able to destroy it if he so pleases. The consequences don't underlie the basic core of the issue, which revolves about doing what we want with the products we own.
[QUOTE="themyth01"] Maybe they should be to other products such as cars, etc.. where you couldn't really modify them because it's not intended by the manufacturers. After all modifying a car is more dangerous, they shouldn't even allow you to open the hood. themyth01
Except a car isn't a digital product that has its own software. Thats not a good analogy. Plus manufactorers love for you to mod cars. More money for them and their partners.
All I'm saying is that theres no need for this hack and I see it doing more harm than good, for everybody. This is only going to open the door for piracy. It happens on every, damn, console once they get root access. Even if it wasn't his intent, he knows its gonna happen. He and that other group could've stopped this but they decide to go ahead and release their work. You bought a PS3 for Blu-Ray capabilities, games, and the other programs Sony included. Theres no need for anything this hack might bring forth when it can all be done on a PC.
Is that supposed to be a joke? a Car is running millions of programs at any time when it's on. And yes, the PS3 hack will probably cause more PS3 sales, more sales for Sony.There are many things that are not needed but we still want them, doesn't make it any less relevant since most things are not really necessary including the entire system. If he wants to run Linux on his PS3 and he found a way then he should be able to do it. It's his PS3, he should be able to destroy it if he so pleases. The consequences don't underlie the basic core of the issue, which revolves about doing what we want with the products we own.
Using that same logic, pirates should be able to run illegal games on their PS3. After all, they own the PS3.
Is that supposed to be a joke? a Car is running millions of programs at any time when it's on. And yes, the PS3 hack will probably cause more PS3 sales, more sales for Sony.[QUOTE="themyth01"]
Except a car isn't a digital product that has its own software. Thats not a good analogy. Plus manufactorers love for you to mod cars. More money for them and their partners.
All I'm saying is that theres no need for this hack and I see it doing more harm than good, for everybody. This is only going to open the door for piracy. It happens on every, damn, console once they get root access. Even if it wasn't his intent, he knows its gonna happen. He and that other group could've stopped this but they decide to go ahead and release their work. You bought a PS3 for Blu-Ray capabilities, games, and the other programs Sony included. Theres no need for anything this hack might bring forth when it can all be done on a PC.
There are many things that are not needed but we still want them, doesn't make it any less relevant since most things are not really necessary including the entire system. If he wants to run Linux on his PS3 and he found a way then he should be able to do it. It's his PS3, he should be able to destroy it if he so pleases. The consequences don't underlie the basic core of the issue, which revolves about doing what we want with the products we own.
Using that same logic, pirates should be able to run illegal games on their PS3. After all, they own the PS3.
I don't follow your logic. They own the PS3 but they don't own the game, so why should they be able to run pirated copies?Is that supposed to be a joke? a Car is running millions of programs at any time when it's on. And yes, the PS3 hack will probably cause more PS3 sales, more sales for Sony.
There are many things that are not needed but we still want them, doesn't make it any less relevant since most things are not really necessary including the entire system. If he wants to run Linux on his PS3 and he found a way then he should be able to do it. It's his PS3, he should be able to destroy it if he so pleases. The consequences don't underlie the basic core of the issue, which revolves about doing what we want with the products we own.
No it wasn't a joke. If Sony somehow sees more sales for this, the developers see less. Whats the point in making a console if you don't have developers behind it?
He should be able to do as he pleases. Though thanks to his actions in releasing the tools the community WILL suffer for it. There was nothing wrong with him hacking the PS3 for his own personal benefit since thats what drives hackers. However there was still no need to release the tools. If you really need these offerings the hack is said to bring forth, theres a much easier way to do so that doesn't require a company hounding you and hurting the community.
[QUOTE="hakanakumono"][QUOTE="themyth01"] Is that supposed to be a joke? a Car is running millions of programs at any time when it's on. And yes, the PS3 hack will probably cause more PS3 sales, more sales for Sony.
There are many things that are not needed but we still want them, doesn't make it any less relevant since most things are not really necessary including the entire system. If he wants to run Linux on his PS3 and he found a way then he should be able to do it. It's his PS3, he should be able to destroy it if he so pleases. The consequences don't underlie the basic core of the issue, which revolves about doing what we want with the products we own.
Using that same logic, pirates should be able to run illegal games on their PS3. After all, they own the PS3.
I don't follow your logic. They own the PS3 but they don't own the game, so why should they be able to run pirated copies?Your logic was that if he owns it he should be able to do whatever he wants with it. I don't think that logic holds up.
Anyways, this isn't about his individual decision to modify his own PS3 in the privacy of his home. If he simply announced that he hacked his PS3, there would be no lawsuit. This is about his decision to publish information on how to bypass copyright protection.
Is that supposed to be a joke? a Car is running millions of programs at any time when it's on. And yes, the PS3 hack will probably cause more PS3 sales, more sales for Sony.
There are many things that are not needed but we still want them, doesn't make it any less relevant since most things are not really necessary including the entire system. If he wants to run Linux on his PS3 and he found a way then he should be able to do it. It's his PS3, he should be able to destroy it if he so pleases. The consequences don't underlie the basic core of the issue, which revolves about doing what we want with the products we own.
No it wasn't a joke. If Sony somehow sees more sales for this, the developers see less. Whats the point in making a console if you don't have developers behind it?
He should be able to do as he pleases. Though thanks to his actions in releasing the tools the community WILL suffer for it. There was nothing wrong with him hacking the PS3 for his own personal benefit since thats what drives hackers. However there was still no need to release the tools. If you really need these offerings the hack is said to bring forth, theres a much easier way to do so that doesn't require a company hounding you and hurting the community.
It's funny you mention developers, but then why not check developers' opinions on this issue, a good website that has lifetime software developers is arstechnicaand another with gaming in mind is gamasutra. Most developers seem to favor the hacker.
I see a healthy industry when I see the 360 and Wii, developers are making money and keep making games for these platforms. So why then is it all bad now that it happened to Sony? the only reason it's any worse is due entirely to Sony's own error. I said it before, the consequences should not remove our right to do what we want with the items we own, especially when the severity of those is a company error.
I don't follow your logic. They own the PS3 but they don't own the game, so why should they be able to run pirated copies?[QUOTE="themyth01"][QUOTE="hakanakumono"]
Using that same logic, pirates should be able to run illegal games on their PS3. After all, they own the PS3.
Your logic was that if he owns it he should be able to do whatever he wants with it. I don't think that logic holds up.
Anyways, this isn't about his individual decision to modify his own PS3 in the privacy of his home. If he simply announced that he hacked his PS3, there would be no lawsuit. This is about his decision to publish information on how to bypass copyright protection.
How does it not hold up? should a company tell you what you can do with your TV? toothbrush? clothes? do you really want companies to tell you how you can use what you own? how does that even hold up?
He shared his knowledge, sharing knowledge is still legal. He did it so if somebody else who also owns a PS3 and wants to run Linux or other homebrew software on it can do so.
[QUOTE="themyth01"] I don't follow your logic. They own the PS3 but they don't own the game, so why should they be able to run pirated copies? themyth01
Your logic was that if he owns it he should be able to do whatever he wants with it. I don't think that logic holds up.
Anyways, this isn't about his individual decision to modify his own PS3 in the privacy of his home. If he simply announced that he hacked his PS3, there would be no lawsuit. This is about his decision to publish information on how to bypass copyright protection.
How does it not hold up? should a company tell you what you can do with your TV? toothbrush? clothes? do you really want companies to tell you how you can use what you own? how does that even hold up?
He shared his knowledge, sharing knowledge is still legal. He did it so if somebody else who also owns a PS3 and wants to run Linux or other homebrew software on it can do so.
Those don't have anything to do with copyright material.
The knowledge that he shared was not legal for him to share. It doesn't matter why he did it, as long as he did it with the knowledge that it would be used to bypass copyright protections in place to deter piracy.
Is that supposed to be a joke? a Car is running millions of programs at any time when it's on. And yes, the PS3 hack will probably cause more PS3 sales, more sales for Sony.
There are many things that are not needed but we still want them, doesn't make it any less relevant since most things are not really necessary including the entire system. If he wants to run Linux on his PS3 and he found a way then he should be able to do it. It's his PS3, he should be able to destroy it if he so pleases. The consequences don't underlie the basic core of the issue, which revolves about doing what we want with the products we own.
No it wasn't a joke. If Sony somehow sees more sales for this, the developers see less. Whats the point in making a console if you don't have developers behind it?
He should be able to do as he pleases. Though thanks to his actions in releasing the tools the community WILL suffer for it. There was nothing wrong with him hacking the PS3 for his own personal benefit since thats what drives hackers. However there was still no need to release the tools. If you really need these offerings the hack is said to bring forth, theres a much easier way to do so that doesn't require a company hounding you and hurting the community.
It's funny you mention developers, but then why not check developers' opinions on this issue, a good website that has lifetime software developers is arstechnicaand another with gaming in mind is gamasutra. Most developers seem to favor the hacker.
I see a healthy industry when I see the 360 and Wii, developers are making money and keep making games for these platforms. So why then is it all bad now that it happened to Sony? the only reason it's any worse is due entirely to Sony's own error. I said it before, the consequences should not remove our right to do what we want with the items we own, especially when the severity of those is a company error.
It was explained on this board that piracy has contributed to developer cutbacks and firings.
Your logic was that if he owns it he should be able to do whatever he wants with it. I don't think that logic holds up.
Anyways, this isn't about his individual decision to modify his own PS3 in the privacy of his home. If he simply announced that he hacked his PS3, there would be no lawsuit. This is about his decision to publish information on how to bypass copyright protection.
How does it not hold up? should a company tell you what you can do with your TV? toothbrush? clothes? do you really want companies to tell you how you can use what you own? how does that even hold up?
He shared his knowledge, sharing knowledge is still legal. He did it so if somebody else who also owns a PS3 and wants to run Linux or other homebrew software on it can do so.
Those don't have anything to do with copyright material.
The knowledge that he shared was not legal for him to share. It doesn't matter why he did it, as long as he did it with the knowledge that it would be used to bypass copyright protections in place to deter piracy.
They do, TVs and other electronics do, as well as the design of many non-electronic items.
It's not for you to decide the legality of his actions, that's what a judge will decide. He shared knowledge to do something legal, not to do something illegal. Personally I see nothing wrong with sharing of knowledge but we shall see how it's deem by the judge.
No it wasn't a joke. If Sony somehow sees more sales for this, the developers see less. Whats the point in making a console if you don't have developers behind it?
He should be able to do as he pleases. Though thanks to his actions in releasing the tools the community WILL suffer for it. There was nothing wrong with him hacking the PS3 for his own personal benefit since thats what drives hackers. However there was still no need to release the tools. If you really need these offerings the hack is said to bring forth, theres a much easier way to do so that doesn't require a company hounding you and hurting the community.
It's funny you mention developers, but then why not check developers' opinions on this issue, a good website that has lifetime software developers is arstechnicaand another with gaming in mind is gamasutra. Most developers seem to favor the hacker.
I see a healthy industry when I see the 360 and Wii, developers are making money and keep making games for these platforms. So why then is it all bad now that it happened to Sony? the only reason it's any worse is due entirely to Sony's own error. I said it before, the consequences should not remove our right to do what we want with the items we own, especially when the severity of those is a company error.
It was explained on this board that piracy has contributed to developer cutbacks and firings.
Piracy has been blamed for many things and yet this case is not even about piracy. The xbox360 and Wii have survived and succeeded with it however.
How does it not hold up? should a company tell you what you can do with your TV? toothbrush? clothes? do you really want companies to tell you how you can use what you own? how does that even hold up?
He shared his knowledge, sharing knowledge is still legal. He did it so if somebody else who also owns a PS3 and wants to run Linux or other homebrew software on it can do so.
Those don't have anything to do with copyright material.
The knowledge that he shared was not legal for him to share. It doesn't matter why he did it, as long as he did it with the knowledge that it would be used to bypass copyright protections in place to deter piracy.
They do, TVs and other electronics do, as well as the design of many non-electronic items.
It's not for you to decide the legality of his actions, that's what a judge will decide. He shared knowledge to do something legal, not to do something illegal. Personally I see nothing wrong with sharing of knowledge but we shall see how it's deem by the judge.
They are not systems that playback copyrighted material.
We are both entitled to our interpretation of the law, which is what we are both doing. The knowledge he shared was knowledge to do something illegal.
It's funny you mention developers, but then why not check developers' opinions on this issue, a good website that has lifetime software developers is arstechnicaand another with gaming in mind is gamasutra. Most developers seem to favor the hacker.
I see a healthy industry when I see the 360 and Wii, developers are making money and keep making games for these platforms. So why then is it all bad now that it happened to Sony? the only reason it's any worse is due entirely to Sony's own error. I said it before, the consequences should not remove our right to do what we want with the items we own, especially when the severity of those is a company error.
It was explained on this board that piracy has contributed to developer cutbacks and firings.
Piracy has been blamed for many things and yet this case is not even about piracy. The xbox360 and Wii have survived and succeeded with it however.
This case is about piracy.
The consequences don't underlie the basic core of the issue, which revolves about doing what we want with the products we own.Since everyone seems to love dealing in hyperbolic analogies, presumably I should be allowed to shoot a bunch of people after buying a gun, mow down pedestrians with my car and purchase a bunch of thermite to turn into a bomb.themyth01
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