I want both of these games. Right now, Sigma is getting the High AA low AAA type reviews while Overlord has one fairly mediocre review. I can't give the link for these, cause every time I use the website that summarizes the score as a link, Gamespot suspends me. I really don't know why and don't care really. Ok, here they are:
Official XBOX Mag UK: Tedious puzzles and repetitious level design makes Overlord become very predictable all too quickly.
NG: Sigma
Hardcore Gamer Mag: It's a geat game and worth a try if you're brave and/or a masochist.
Playstation Official Mag UK: This is punishingly, mercilessly, remorselessly ferocious. You will never, ever finish it. Until you learn to block.
Electronic Gaming MOnthly: Genuinely new content doesn't about, but Sigma remains such an expansive, challenging and well-paced thrill ride that you won't care.
So there you have it. Any thoughts?
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