Nintendo is BACK!!!...In Canada.
1 (3) WII - Mario Party 8
2 (4) WII - Wii Play
3 (1) DS - Pokemon Diamond
4 (6) 360 - Forza Motorsport 2
5 (2) DS - Pokemon Pearl
6 (10) 360 - Guitar Hero II w/ Guitar Controller
7 (-) WII - Resident Evil 4
8 (11) WII - The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
9 (7) WII - Super Paper Mario
10 (12) DS - New Super Mario Bros.
11 (-) WII - Big Brain Academy: Wii Degree
12 (-) WII - Pokemon Battle Revolution
13 (-) 360 - The Darkness
14 (-) PS2 - Guitar Hero II w/ Guitar Controller
15 (16) PS2 - Guitar Hero II
16 (-) PS2 - Tomb Raider Anniversary
17 (20) DS - Mario Kart DS
18 (-) PS3 - Rainbow Six Vegas
19 (-) DS - DS Browser
20 (5) PS2 - Spider-Man 3
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