I saw someone mention this on another forum and started to make me think. Do you think Microsoft wants Sony to do a price cut? Think about how much economic trouble Sony is in right now laying off all those people, shutting plants, lowering their fiscal profits projections by 59% and so on. We all know if Sony cut the price by $50 let alone a even larger amount $100 then Sony would take a huge money hit off of each console. Yesterday Aaron Greensberg talked a lot of smack about how much when the NPD numbers come out that the 360 will be ahead of the PS3. Also there has been other comments from MS about how much better their sales are over the PS3 now.
So my question is do you think it is possible Microsoft is trying to call out Sony into doing a price cut because they know Sony just can not afford to do it and in trying to compete in price could really hurt Sony? Think it could be kinda like MS going " I dare you...I double dog dare you to do it"? Microsoft said in interviews that they were going after Sony.
I mean just think about the companies themselves. As they are right now Microsoft has far more money and is able to brush off financial hits easier far easier then Sony can. Heck Microsoft just put in a bid for Yahoo for 20 billion so they have cash in the bank in plenty still.
Heck I am a 360 fan but if they were then dang that would be cold as ice. I hope they are not cause that would be evil but I think they are.
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