I did it.. I fell for the hype and I payed the price (400$ that is :'(). Two days ago i decided to buy a 360- i dont know why, but with all the great rated games on this site for the system, I said why not and used money i got from my birthday to buy the thing-what an absolute WASTE!!! I bought gears of war, and pgr was packed with the system. At first I played pgr for a while, and after the visual eye candy, the whole experience just wore off. The controller felt so static - in comparison with excite truck- and really felt horrible after playing with the wii mote and the freedom it allowed you. I actually had more fun with the geometry wars demo than the entire game ITSELF!! Next I tried gears of war, and boy what a dissapointment. After all the great reviews, this game was sooo repitive and dull-with the most idiotic dialogue I had ever seen. I played it for an hour and a half and got tired of the whole thing. I was so dissapointed with my 360 and i couldnt belive all the hype about its "great games"- theres barely anything worthwile on the system if pgr and gears are anything to go by...And get this... I woke up today to turn on the system, and guese what I got? 3 RED LIGHTS!!! this system is horrible, and i will be returning it soon enough- this is just a warning for other wii owners- dont get tricked by the hype for 360 games and the hi-def gimmick, the 360 is one of the worst systems this gen.. im just sticking with th epc from now on....
a pic for the non believers :)
Edit: just got back from the Store!!! THANK GOD THEY TOOK IT BACK :D :D :D
now I can spend more money on my wii :)
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