The game uses CUDA and the water and just everything about looks sick.
It is a true DX10 game (no XP support or DX9)
Best graphics since Crysis no doubt.
Check this out in case you haven't seen it.
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The best thing about it is that the game actually looks that good with these settings enabled. My GTX 280 struggles a bit at higher resolutions, but boy does it look incredible.
The game is mostly about fun and exploring though, the fact that it's one of the best looking games ever is merely a (much welcome) bonus. :)
I played the demo on my PC that cost me more than 1000 Euro 2 years ago (I got it for video editing but its also a decent gaming rig, i can run crysis on high/very high in 1080p) and it constantly crashed after 10-15 minutes so i bought the PS3 version. Stuff like that is why i'm not a fan of PC gaming.
I wouldn't go that far...The game uses CUDA and the water and just everything about looks sick.
It is a true DX10 game (no XP support or DX9)
Best graphics since Crysis no doubt.
Check this out in case you haven't seen it.
Having played the demo I wasn't impressed by the visuals, then again; little impresses me these days visual wise. Maybe graphics just don't impress me anymore?
Maybe if they enhanced the textures it wouldn't look just like another console game, they can pile on new effects; but it is still 256mb Vram type textures under it all.
I played Just Cause in 3D at the NVIDIA booth and it looked great but not Crysis great.
I was also at NVIDIA's launch of the 480 and the demonstration was pretty awesome. They "crank that s#!t up" and blew up a bridge into 1 million particles in 3D.
[QUOTE="hoola"]You might need a better card when Project Offset comes out. Whenever that is.Maybe never.My 8800gts 320mb struggles a bit at this game. Runs it pretty well with max settings at 1680x1050, but it is a little slower than i would like. The view distance is just astounding, though.
nvidia sucks and dx is a scam
Hardware brand fanboyism is even more ridiculous than console fanboyism, at least consoles can use exclusives as a reason to argue for platform X over platform Y. Nvidia and ATI run the exact same games, it is silly to pick sides when you can simply go with whoever has the best offer at the time; which it not always one over the other.
As for DX being a scam, that's just... something I cannot say in here. looks good, but i like crysis water effects better....i think the water looks kinda plastic...the demo definately looks better rendering night than day....but it is very pretty
So what'd you think about the 3D Vision at the booth?[QUOTE="Nonstop-Madness"]My 8800gts 320mb struggles a bit at this game. Runs it pretty well with max settings at 1680x1050, but it is a little slower than i would like. The view distance is just astounding, though.
I played Just Cause in 3D at the NVIDIA booth and it looked great but not Crysis great.
I was also at NVIDIA's launch of the 480 and the demonstration was pretty awesome. They "crank that s#!t up" and blew up a bridge into 1 million particles in 3D.
So what'd you think about the 3D Vision at the booth (I didn't go to PAX)?Draw distance is great game is hella fun, here are some screens from my rig running the highest specs.
Draw distance is great game is hella fun, here are some screens from my rig running the highest specsAnimal-Mother
:) first screenis tight,what are you running hommie?
Draw distance is great game is hella fun, here are some screens from my rig running the highest specs.
What are your specs Animal?
Both for you and UncleLuke X I'm running the AMD Phenom XII 3.13 550 Processor. ATI Radeon 512 Visiontek 4850 A pretty wicked Asus Motherboard. 4 Gigs DDR3 ram Windows 7[QUOTE="hoola"]So what'd you think about the 3D Vision at the booth?[QUOTE="Nonstop-Madness"]My 8800gts 320mb struggles a bit at this game. Runs it pretty well with max settings at 1680x1050, but it is a little slower than i would like. The view distance is just astounding, though.
I played Just Cause in 3D at the NVIDIA booth and it looked great but not Crysis great.
I was also at NVIDIA's launch of the 480 and the demonstration was pretty awesome. They "crank that s#!t up" and blew up a bridge into 1 million particles in 3D.
So what'd you think about the 3D Vision at the booth (I didn't go to PAX)? Its pretty awesome especially in JC2 because you have that perspective combined with grappling mechanic which just makes it so awesome. You grapple to a building and you see all these things just flying past you in 3D. Basically really good view distance with grappling mechanic in 3D ...... awesome. It kind sucks because I wear glasses so every time I watch or play anything in 3D I have to go double glasses but the NVIDIA glasses seemed to give enough space to wear my glasses comfortably.GameSpot took points off the PC version for not supporting Windows XP....Zero5000Xwhich happens to be the most used OS on the planet. I see how its a dumb idea not having XP support but the people that are going to play this game will at least have Vista ...... its extremely rare for a gamer to have XP.
nvidia sucks and dx is a scam
Hardware brand fanboyism is even more ridiculous than console fanboyism, at least consoles can use exclusives as a reason to argue for platform X over platform Y. Nvidia and ATI run the exact same games, it is silly to pick sides when you can simply go with whoever has the best offer at the time; which it not always one over the other.
As for DX being a scam, that's just... something I cannot say in here.
thats not true maybe they run the same games but times have changed. Both try now to bring different visuals into PC games. Nvidia has Physx and brought 3D vision into gaming. While ATI has Eyfinity and for a long time DX 10.1 and DX 11 until femi came out.I have to be honest, the 'added' pc efefcts look really close to whats already on the 360/ps3 versions. The game in general looks really great, especially when sky diving from far up and the view of the mountains, all covered in snow and fog rolling down off them... just beautiful in the evening sunset.
thats not true maybe they run the same games but times have changed. Both try now to bring different visuals into PC games. Nvidia has Physx and brought 3D vision into gaming. While ATI has Eyfinity and for a long time DX 10.1 and DX 11 until femi came out.SLI_Gamer
They run the same games... everything you listed are side stuff that will influence your decision; but they run the same games at the end of the day.
[QUOTE="SLI_Gamer"] thats not true maybe they run the same games but times have changed. Both try now to bring different visuals into PC games. Nvidia has Physx and brought 3D vision into gaming. While ATI has Eyfinity and for a long time DX 10.1 and DX 11 until femi came out.AnnoyedDragon
They run the same games... everything you listed are side stuff that will influence your decision; but they run the same games at the end of the day.
Yeah but graphics still means a lot in this day and age. For me are all shooters basically the same games too.Having played the demo I wasn't impressed by the visuals, then again; little impresses me these days visual wise. Maybe graphics just don't impress me anymore?
Maybe if they enhanced the textures it wouldn't look just like another console game, they can pile on new effects; but it is still 256mb Vram type textures under it all.
The water is really impressive when GPU Water Simulation is On, That's All!
Me too, at 1680x1050 I had to put AA=4X, shadows&SSOA=medium, everything else maxed @ 35 FPS. But it looks awesome nonetheless, btw happy gaming:)
I played the demo on my PC that cost me more than 1000 Euro 2 years ago (I got it for video editing but its also a decent gaming rig, i can run crysis on high/very high in 1080p) and it constantly crashed after 10-15 minutes so i bought the PS3 version. Stuff like that is why i'm not a fan of PC gaming.
familiar with the fallacy called "red herring"?
The game uses CUDA and the water and just everything about looks sick.
It is a true DX10 game (no XP support or DX9)
Best graphics since Crysis no doubt.
Check this out in case you haven't seen it.
I wouldn't go that far...Neither would I.I have not played it on PC but, man, this game looks fantastic on PS3. First off its one of the best open world sandbox games ive ever played. The graphics are really stunning for this type of game with no frame rate issues at all, at least on the PS3 version.djsifer01PC version on high settings looks and plays exactly like the PS3 version. The only difference? The PC version is a little clearer, but it's hardly noticelable. Try to spin it hermits. I dare you because you are full of it if you do.
PC version on high settings looks and plays exactly like the PS3 version. The only difference? The PC version is a little clearer, but it's hardly noticelable. Try to spin it hermits. I dare you because you are full of it if you do.[QUOTE="djsifer01"]I have not played it on PC but, man, this game looks fantastic on PS3. First off its one of the best open world sandbox games ive ever played. The graphics are really stunning for this type of game with no frame rate issues at all, at least on the PS3 version.gamewhat
After all the threads you made, you're not exactly the person with the most credibility here to be able to challenge people.
What are you talking about? The PC graphics blow the consoles away. Even Gamespot review said absolutely stunning visuals for the pc version, nothing about the console ones. 'look really close to whats already on the 360/ps3 versions' That quote's a joke right?I have to be honest, the 'added' pc efefcts look really close to whats already on the 360/ps3 versions. The game in general looks really great, especially when sky diving from far up and the view of the mountains, all covered in snow and fog rolling down off them... just beautiful in the evening sunset.
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