[QUOTE="mjarantilla"][QUOTE="james28893"][QUOTE="titusandro"] How many times did I hear: Wii will never have a AAA tittle... glory came in the form of Wario Ware. Then it all went in to Wii will never get a GotY... I am so happy to find out that Super Mario Galaxy, a Nintendo Wii exclusive game just won the award.
I just found out after a couple of days away frome home and I am so happy to seethatblind stupid fonboyism took one were it hurts.
Wow, so... that's two games. Good luck making that last a year.
You seem to forget just how sparse the 360's first-year library was. Until November, all it had were COD2, GRAW, and Oblivion.
PDZ, PGR3, Dead Rising (aware it's not AAA), Kameo (not AAA), Saint's Row (not AAA)
I'm not looking for AAAs, I'm looking for good games that people should buy for a console to experience something unique.
PDZ -> Yeah, right. Like anyone played that past December '05.
PGR3 -> Meh, racer.
Dead Rising -> Yes! Let's buy games with totally effed up save systems that can break your entire campaign if you save at the wrong spot! To date, this remains the only game I have ever bothered to return to the store.
Kameo -> Not even worth mentioning, especially since the Wii got Twilight Princess for its launch game.
Saints Row -> Good game, pretty decent, but hardly something that everybody would like.
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