[QUOTE="Vulcan110"][QUOTE="NathanDrake"][QUOTE="Vulcan110"] This game is also comming out on the 360 and i seen this commercial. You all know how the normal playstation commercial starts! U see a Playstation symbol then the rest followed up on the assasins Creed footage where at the end it useally shows all the platfroms featuring the game and well all there was, was the stupid PS3!!!
This is yet another reason why i and some ppl hate sony!
I've see millions of VERY VERY BIASED commercials!! Like the one for Jericho and a few others. They come out on the PS3 as well but at the end I see a big fat JUMP IN and Xbox logo!!
So it's ok to see that kind of thing but when it's the other way around it's REALLY BIASED????
C'ome on!!! You are BIASED HERE!!
well in all honesty i have never seen any commercial besides madden but like someone else siad, that sony is trying to make it look exclusive, to be fair, it isant fair for microsoft to do it either b/c in the end ppl who dont know anything about the exclusives! Just to make them, lets say buy there console?I know this goes on alot but i got tired of it when i seen the AC commercial i had to make a tipic!
But it's fair when there is a multiplat game and after it you only see JUMP IN and an Xbox logo makeing it look exclusive. So that's fair right??? But when tables turn it's BIASED!!! Boo sony !! Sony suckorzzzzzz PS3 failzzzz tehy liarzz!! Right?? Is that it?? I could have came on here for the last 9 months every single day and write a topic like that about the Xbox 360. So why is it that there is only one PS3 commertial for a multiplat game that doesn't mentions the 360 opposed to at least 20 other commertials for mutliplat games that are only advertised for the 360???
If you guys are trying to do something about it don't just open your mouths when the wind blows in the other direction!! You should have started this crap argument months ago when we seen multiplats only advertised for the 360!!
Why haven't you???
Oh yea....because you are a blind fanboy, that's why!!
Guess what i own all consoles and my fav IS the 360. However i did previously state that it was not fiar for either company to do so! im not a blind fanboy it just so happens the last commercial i seen was a PS3 one! and when i seen it i saw a worried company drastically trying to claim it as exculsive!
Microsoft is not a worried company right now but when i see them do it i feel like some ppl are being lied to. do u not agree?
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