Fantastic!!! Whenever people control their entertainment, good things will always follow.
Edit: It may be blasphemy to say this, given Im a musician, but the destruction of the music industry at the hands of the common person has been highly enjoyable to watch... They continue to fight and scramble to send out these "one and done" artists and manufacture the next 15 minutes of fame and money, while we sit back and choose every ounce of what we listen to because its readily available everywhere and in some places for free... I know its not cool to root for theft, but in all things entertainment, when the suits bottleneck the art and only allow what THEY think is the next thing, we get 80's hair rock and disco... when we control it we get a splintered web of pure interesting and personal music experiences.... The message is, resist their forceful schlepping of over run IP's as much as possible by supporting only the games and developers that dare bring you what YOU want....
And that ends my soapbox speech.
![soapbox soapbox](http://diasporadical.files.wordpress.com/2010/02/soapbox.jpg)
Except Disco and 80's hair rock, isn't near as bad as what the suits try to bottleneck force feed us now. Which is the normal "pop" or typical "hip-hop/rap" ordeals. Seriously the actual radio is redundant these days, in technology, and in the crap it plays.
I too am a musician.
I agree it is so much better for the end user to have more control. Less middle man, the better. Musicians now-a-days don't even need to spend money in a studio to record, they can build one theirselves for a fraction of the cost, and digital audio has evolved to the point where most listener's won't be able to tell if it came from a multi-million dollar studio, or a decent bedroom studio (as long as the engineer knows what he is doing)
I love the idea of kickstarter, matter of fact, one of the games I am looking forward to most this year is Planetary Annihilation (which was a kickstarter project that easily got all its funding)
Couldn't agree more with this. I am a musician as well, and what is happening in our music industry today makes me sick. The normal pop stuff these days is terrible. Atleast music like Katy Perry's can be catchy, look at Nicki Minaj's music, the lyrics are nonsense, it sounds terrible. Then with rock/alternative you have Nickleback and all 27 of its dopplegangers. Literally half the bands on any rock station sound like Nickleback, it really is terrible. What happened to bands like Led Zeppelin ? When is the last time you heard something like Hotel California.
Anyways though, back to the topic at hand. Isn't Star Citizen a kickstarter ?
There is still wonderful music being made today, that is if you know how to look for it.
You can't however rely on the ways of the old like Radio, or TVs, or Music videos. (for far too long its been getting worse, and worse) But with Youtube, soundcloud, and even amazon.com you can explore so much music so convienently these days.
I still find wonderful music, a good amount of which is in these games we play.
Just recently (in Feb) I went to see Devin Townsend (amazing musician, on multiple levels) and Gojira LIVE as an example. Both of which are refreshingly awesome, and niether of which you will see on MTV, or hear on the radio.
Also, I think Star Citizen was a kickstarter, one of the earlier ones if I remember correctly.
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