Wow people in this forums are soo funny.
Anitendo fanboy...comparing zelda for the ds to God of war for the psp. Thats just funny.
A360 fanboy saying its over for the ps3 when it didnt even start yet for the ps3.
People saying halo is the best game ever when warhawk is better that halo 3 online.
Ok let me go in depth with that. Warhawak got like an 8.6 from gamespot, now remember its only a multiplayer game. it doesnt have any single player mode. If it had a single player mode, that would have taken it up to 9. 5 or higher. According to my conversation with a 360 fanboy, the halo 3 multiplayer was a diasppointment. he said the game had a cool singleplayer mode. Now halo 3 is a great game but it isnt ground breaking and it wasnt overhyped in terms of its rating, it was overhyped in terms of everything else.
Oh and just a little piece of advice for anyone who owns a 360 or a wii, start saving up!!!!!!!!
The 360 already reached its potential so start saving for the xbx 720 and start saving up for a nintendo YUU.
You know how those two asian guys are like "wii will like to play!!!"? well now it will be "Will YUU like to play?"its
Its like a wii except its round and its small. Its going to launch with YUU sports. YUU sports is a compilation of minigames like checkers, chess, scrabble, monopoly, connect four and even poker.
Its basically a wii except it got a new look and the controllers are different. The controllers will be lotion sensitive, when you put on lotion and use the controller, it will display what kind of lotion it is. It will tell you what company made it and what it smells like.
The YUU-mote will be used for Mario slumber party and Bratz fashion makeover. a game where you rob what ever lotion pops out on the screen in a limited amount of time.
XBOX 720
When it comes out the ps3 will still be alive, by that time ps3 will be the last console remaining and microsoft would have dumped the 360 like the dumped the original xbox..
Now gamers please tell me, beside the fact that yes the ps3 doesnt have enough exclusives yet ( which will be fixed next year) why else do you say its going to loose. Sony already won wether you want to admit it or not!!!!!!!!!
And pls answer with straight forward answers, dont go all sarcastic on me cause youll just get flamed!!!!!!!!!
And console war through forums is stupid, gamespot needs an irc room so that fanboys could flame eachother all day.
and Nintendo needs to come up with a game that will keep all the kids busy and keep them off forums so they wont post lame stuff like... Metal gear solid Vs Mario
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