Umm why are these FANBOYS ranting so hard about killzone 2!?!? FOR SO LONG they have had mediocre shooters that have all failed. Resistance 2? Ill go ahead and keep playing Gears. Killzone 2 is graphics. of course i can rant about how great halo 3 is because this is gamespot and the KIDS here cant have a decent argument about games. All you fools do is complain, act stupid and rely on KILLZONE 2 and im tired of SO AND SO KILLED GAMING AND I FREAKING QUOTE "SYSTEM WARS KILLED GAMING" JESUS.
IM TIRED OF THIS THREAD KILLZONE 2 IS THE GREATEST GAME EVER MADE BY FAR why? because of a retarded story? because of RETARDED controls!?!? Because of a cover system that would work fine online but for some reason they took it out? Because they tried to add weight to the game which only made it suck worse??? Theres delay when i do ANYTHING. I want to hit a button and it works which makes it IMPOSSIBLE TO RUN AND SHOOT. I can change the controls but why should i have to do that and even so when i change the controls it makes the cover system worse!!! the game flopped! you LEMMINGS HYPED IT THE GOD OF ALL GAMES 15/10 it god a freaking 9 you lemmings deal with the fact that it isnt better than HALO 3. IM NOT EVEN GONNA PROVIDE ANY FACTS OR DETAILS BECAUSE YOU LEMMINGS WONT READ PAY ATTENTION. You will just continue to rant and rant about how great your given console is. IMO they are all fine and PC
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