I just finished Killzone 3 and it was one of the worst experiences
already you have lost all credibility. even taking a game I think is ovrrated garbage like "halo reach," I dont say that its one of the "worst experiences." thats reserved for ODST. I think I am fair to halo reach. I gave it an 8/10. I didnt get into hyperbole. I just gave my honest thoughts.
the thing is that it wasn't the whole package. Graphically it looks like Killzone 2 with better water.
even edge magazine and all their idiotic, biased splendor admitted that the visuals are far more diverse and appealing in KZ3. you have failed already. you clearly have a bias, an irrational hatred for this game. im not going to play the armchair psychologist. im not going to delve into the causes of your prejudice. But its outward effects should be recognized
The gameplay is still pretty damn fine. But story, characters, the way the military is portrayed and how the Helghan are portrayed was just so frustratingly bad.
It becomes clear, when I hear these reckless scathing claims, that people who are biased against the PS3 hold PS3 games to a ridiculously high standard that they would never apply to other games. if this is "frustratingly bad" than I dont see how you can enjoy any FPS game. this game is as good as any in terms of story.
Story - was/is/will be awful. Simply terrible. So many cutscenes explaining nothing and making you wonder how the ISA ever was able to group together with such unrest in their lines and ranks.
Military portrayal/Helghan portrayal - I think the ISA is an experiment by the people on earth to see if a military can function without higher command and sergents who refuse to follow the orders their superiors dictate.
oh yay, this asinine, baseless tangent. let me explain a few things
- conflict between ranks is a real threat and does occur on a day to day basis even in wars today
- about the "central command" thing, they are on a hostile planet, light years away from home. radio waves cannot be transmitted over such distances. and all their other ships were chased out of orbit by the masses of helgahn naval reinforcements. There is no higher command
The Helghan may be in "disaray" even though I don't see how they could be when their entire Navy and most of their army is stilll in perfect fighting condition -- and they are fighting a force of a couple of thousand (thats a generous guess). Why not just use an orbital strike on their last known position and then send in scouts to assess the aftermath?
There are alot of variables to consider in their escape, like the chaotic aftermath of the nuke, the spread of ISA forces over a large territory and so on. you can just assume that the ISA managed to fight their way out and go into hiding. the game doesnt need to explain exactly how the ISA evaded the helgahn initially or over the following 6 months. its like if you look at "Star wars: return of the Jedi." why didnt the massive fleet of star destroyers wipe out the ewoks and rebels after the destruction of the death star? who gives a ****? its still a great movie. your nitpicking is so un-called for and it just makes you look biased.
How is it that such a military based society could be left in such disaray after their dictator/autocrat was murdered. If the Helghan are an autocracy(as I believe they are) then why would that high council not elect a new member right then and there -- its not like they were all in the same room sitting at the same table...oh wait.
you cant just elect a new leader immediately on the spot. they didnt immediately replace visari for a plethora of possible reasons
- the quick shifting of such powers could create sharp divisions among the council and people, perhaps causing civil war or unrest.
- there is obviously a competition for whom will take the throne for himself. the natural order of things is that whoever stands up to take the throne will be shot down by all the others who wish to take it.
- perhaps visari didn't choose an heir becuase he didnt plan on giving up his power any time in the near future. Plus that would make him a possible target for assassination by whoever the heirs may be.
- perhaps the council and private sector preferred things as they were, decentralized, for their own interests.
there are plenty of explanations, but my god, why am I having to explain this to you? why are concerning yourself so deeply with such petty details. Is that really what was on your mind the entire game? because that's just sad.
none of the things you mentioned are serious problems that would even hinder the overall story, much less the rest of the game. this is why I dont respect the opinions of people who hate on KZ3. their reasoning is so transparently ludicrous.
I have never seen such divisive nitpicking directed a first person shooter game as in the case of KZ3. it really is a phenomenon of fanboyism and prejudice.
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