Looks incredible, especially the water :o
Still i dont think it looks better than Crysis2, Gears3 and probably Rage. They all have completly diferent art styles.
I still think it got RAGE beaten,but not by much.It definitely looks better than Gears 3...again,not buy much but it does look better.Crysis 2 though beats it...KZ3 looks a bit bland,you are surrounded by small mountains,white snow,whiteish water,white snowflakes...less post processing,didnt see object motion blur but it looks crisper than KZ2.It looks amazing,but that footage of Crysis 2 beats it by very small amount though...its more about preferences.
Yes, Crysis2 had the most impressive gameplay presentation out of those but we have yet to confirm if that gameplay is from consoles or PC. On the other hand Rage was the least impressive to me. It had incredible NPC animations but for some reason the combat didnt impress me as much. Gears3 looked very impressive especially considering it was being played in 4 player coop.
Again, all of those + KZ3 looked fantastic to me but it´s not an easy job to find out which one is technically better since they look completly diferent!
Crysis 2 was played on PC but with 360 settings,that was confirmed yesterday by their developer on crymod.com.They still need to polish some things up,like particles and maybe add per object motion blur.
He also stated that mindblowing trailer was real time.Gears 3 looked very impressive and just the fact that people admit it speaks alot cus there is alot of hate on Gears.KZ3 was just amazing and it also ran butter smooth.
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