I caved and got a PS4 and for the record will enjoy the system for it's fighting games and some exclusives. This is the first generation where I intend only to have one console outside of the PC whereas I usually have all offerings.
I knew the technology in the PS4 was pretty midrange but with many PC gamers stating Killzone was a good representation of the power of the system, I decided to buy that as my launch game. It's actually a decent game and I find it to be rated low.
With that being said, the graphics are pretty terrible. Sure this is only the first generation of games but outside of the lighting, the textures are horrid. In no way does this game even approach the level of detail that PC games get. I'm surprised PC gamers really found this game to be visually impressive. The textures are flat, the character models are bland and I don't see much implementation of DX11.
Crysis 3 on max settings absolutely blows this game out of the water. I will even say 2007 Crysis with the Blackfire 1.3 mod puts this game to shame. BF4 is also leagues above Killzone visually (I only have the PC version to reference to).
I just really hope they get some good fighting games soon, and get the cloud service ready so I can play VF5:Final Showdown. So far, I am just playing through Killzone and watching my blu-rays. It amazes me how well this system is selling given how underwhelming it appears. It has a very weak launch library and I honestly think the graphics of the ps3/360 are very similar to what I am playing now. I guess I was spoiled by the PC. Good thing I have both.
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