I think now its not ambitious to say that Kinect is going to be a unifiable success judging by the extrodinary hype surrounding it. Im thinking of going to Gamestop tonight at 12am to get my Kinect with a reciept that my wife purchased for me and trying to see if I can claim it. Anyway with Microsoft loafting its number just like I Predicted with shipped sales, something that Sony started but Microsoft will end when it comes to that shipped/sales debate. Anyway I know im the man of the hour and I just wanted to thank all my supporters as it was a long ardious road but I think Microsoft is going to extend its lead in the upcoming months and years and November 4th will always be looked upon in the future as the day the "Gamechanger" came along. Thanks, discuss 5 million by december, outselling any other launch this gen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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