I picked up Dream Drop Distance yesterday and it is a fantastic game. Love every bit of it so far, but I'm wondering what other people think. Dream Drop Distance is great, but is it the best handheld Kingdom Hearts? I feel that it is so far. Unlike 358/2 and Re:Coded the story is confirmed to be very important to what will happen in the events of Kingdom Hearts 3. Also it directly ties to the prequel Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep. Now I personally think that its a two game battle between Dream Drop Distance and Birth By Sleep. Both are very important to the Kingdom Hearts story in general unlike other handheld releases. Both games look great, and feel more like console Kingdom Hearts. Although I haven't quite played enough of either Birth By Sleep or Dream Drop Distance to completely judge, so far I feel Dream Drop Distance is the superior game. I really felt it was the best combat system out of all the Kingdom Hearts released so far with flow motion combat and reality shifts. Also the Dream Eaters add another layer of customization to squad members, and also make very creative and new boss battles. Although the drop system is annoying at times, I love the idea of playing as both Riku and Sora, going through the same story, just on two different paths. Although Birth By Sleep had fantastic graphics for PSP Dream Drop Distance is clearly better, which it should be since its on a more powerful system, but the environments are less bland, every character are very colorful, and all the battle animations are very flashy. It looks very nice, also there are a huge variety of different enemies. Personally I think Dream Drop Distance is the best looking Kingdom Hearts yet. Now what are your opinions, they are both fantastic games.
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