But so what?
I've been looking at laptops for the past few weeks because my computer I'm typing this on is complete cra and I want some games to compliment my Wii. But the cheapest laptop I could find to run games was 550 pounds, or an actual PC was about 500 (the PC obviously had better specs, about enough to run Crysis on high) Now I was fine with that. Until I played Dark Sector at a friends house, yeah I know weird choice of a game to want a console for but I really liked the game and found it it wasnt on PC, I could live with that sure. But then I realised, hang on, all the games I want to buy for the PC, FEAR, Bioshock, Gears, Orange Box, CoD (yeah when I said compliment the Wii I meant something to play shooters on =p), all these games are on the 360 too. Crysis and Stalker are the only ones I'd miss out on. So I weighed it up, Dead Rising, Ninja Gaiden 2, Dark Sector, the Darkness, Vs Crysis and Stalker. Know some of you might know this, but Dead Rising is oneof the only games I envied that the 360 had. But when you look at the broader spectrum, there are quite a few I'd like to get.
Then I compared price, if I manage to get a 360 from Sainsburys (140 pounds for a 60gb one until next Sunday) then get XBL and a wireless adaptor, thats 230 pounds. 550-230 gives me 320 pounds left. I can buy a freaking HDTV with that much! And I probably will, and still have money left over for games.
So there is a point to this post. You know when Hermits call consoles downgraded PC's? That's a good thing. I'll happily pay that much less, to experience the same games just with worse graphics, I've had a Wii for crying out loud, I'm fine with"bad" graphics. As for the other features, I've got a PC don't forget, sure it cant play games, but i dont need it too anymore, and anyway, I could get a PC that'd do everything I need (Word/internet) with the sapre 320 pounds difference I'd have for not getting a PC.
Simple calculations really, and I know I can get a better PC for that price if I build it myself and buy all the parts from the internet but frankly, I cant be arsed. Just thougt I'd post my own experience, on this matter and see what squabbles break out.
Also mods if I need to blog this then I shall. Know's as good a time as any to start a blog = )
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