I just lost alot of respect for him.
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I just lost alot of respect for him.
I just lost alot of respect for him.
Old news. Your point is?
I just lost alot of respect for him.
You lost respect for him, why? If it's regarding his statements about Americans, I couldn't agree with him more. He speaks only the truth. I'm an American, and even I can say that Americans, as a nation, are the greediest, most materialistic, arrogant bunch of morons you'd probably never want to meet...
because you have met the whole population in america? good job there sherlock....:|[QUOTE="Jared2720"][QUOTE="pakman3000"]
I just lost alot of respect for him.
You lost respect for him, why? If it's regarding his statements about Americans, I couldn't agree with him more. He speaks only the truth. I'm an American, and even I can say that Americans, as a nation, are the greediest, most materialistic, arrogant bunch of morons you'd probably never want to meet...
because you have met the whole population in america? good job there sherlock....:|he said as a nation meaning he generalized it, its a stereotypical assumption but for the most part its true, yes i am american and i wouldnt want to live anywhere else
I don't completely agree with how he phrased what he was saying, but his comments were legitimate and true, and they were twisted into something very different from how they were intended, thanks in part to sites like Kotaku, who won't admit to their responsibility in all this.
What's the problem?
really now? you have met what? 0.9% of the whole american population, and you basing this on what? the media? what other countries say?please grow some goddamn common could go to any country out there....and find the same people, the same idiots you see daily.....there is nothing more annoying then getting stereotype as arrogant, fat, and greedy......he said as a nation meaning he generalized it, its a stereotypical assumption but for the most part its true, yes i am american and i wouldnt want to live anywhere else
"if you got it flaunt it" thats the kind of expressions we live by here in america, so you have to agree with him. its just his point of veiw and it was misinterpreted. MGS4 is one of the biggest games of the year. so he's gonna be a target for douch bags like kotaku.
"if you got it flaunt it" thats the kind of expressions we live by here in america, so you have to agree with him. its just his point of veiw and it was misinterpreted. MGS4 is one of the biggest games of the year. so he's gonna be a target for douch bags like kotaku.
But he said it in EDGE Magazine. He didn't have a problem before. It was a PR disaster and he has to make it right.
I just lost alot of respect for him.
You lost respect for him, why? If it's regarding his statements about Americans, I couldn't agree with him more. He speaks only the truth. I'm an American, and even I can say that Americans, as a nation, are the greediest, most materialistic, arrogant bunch of morons you'd probably never want to meet...
because you have met the whole population in america? good job there sherlock....:|He definitely exaggerated a bit, but there's some truth in what Kojima says, at least. We're more likely to read comments made in an attempt to sound humble more literally than they'd be taken in Japan.
But to generalize that Americans, as a whole, are greedy, materialistic, and arrogant is pretty unjustified.
I just lost alot of respect for him.
Get your facts right man, kojima didnt say nothing bad, all the interviews with these idiots trying to twist his words is just damn wrong. Why the hell would some1 creating his game say he is dissappointed at his own work? He even said it himself he didnt mean it that way as alot of u think he did, he was saying it in a humble way and not trying to be like oh yeah my game is the best game ever. U guys need to stop trying to twist things and make it seem like kojima is talking crap. Kojima is the man and MGS4 is going to be awesome, I dont care what u fanboys say about him or think about him, all I know is MGS4 is going to be one hell of a game.
[QUOTE="rocoswav"]"if you got it flaunt it" thats the kind of expressions we live by here in america, so you have to agree with him. its just his point of veiw and it was misinterpreted. MGS4 is one of the biggest games of the year. so he's gonna be a target for douch bags like kotaku.
But he said it in EDGE Magazine. He didn't have a problem before. It was a PR disaster and he has to make it right.
LOL who the hell cares, we're gamers. did you forget we play GAMES. we don't follow interviews & blogs and this nonsense. if your so worked up about it why don't you get into journalism
I just lost alot of respect for him.
Get your facts right man, kojima didnt say nothing bad, all the interviews with these idiots trying to twist his words is just damn wrong. Why the hell would some1 creating his game say he is dissappointed at his own work? He even said it himself he didnt mean it that way as alot of u think he did, he was saying it in a humble way and not trying to be like oh yeah my game is the best game ever. U guys need to stop trying to twist things and make it seem like kojima is talking crap. Kojima is the man and MGS4 is going to be awesome, I dont care what u fanboys say about him or think about him, all I know is MGS4 is going to be one hell of a game.
" I remember saying three years ago that we wanted to create something revolutionary, but in reality we couldn't really do that because of the CPU. We're using the Cell engine to its limit., actually. Please don't get me wrong, I'm not criticizing the PS3 machine, it's just that we weren't really aware of what the full-spec PS3 offered - we were creating something we couldn't entirely see."
They really twisted that out of context.
i dunno why i care really......i should be used to being labeled as greedy, fat and arrogant by now......i guess thats my pride kicking in.....meh whatever.......i got better things to not here to get into a whole political arguement bs.....He definitely exaggerated a bit, but there's some truth in what Kojima says, at least. We're more likely to read comments made in an attempt to sound humble more literally than they'd be taken in Japan.
But to generalize that Americans, as a whole, are greedy, materialistic, and arrogant is pretty unjustified.
If Americans arent greedy and materialist then why is that Lexus, Infiniti, and Acura dont exist anywhere else in the world?Acura = Japanese company Lexus = Offshoot of Toyota which is a Japanese company Infiniti = Offshoot of Nissan which is a Japanese company Don't read into this post, I just found it funny.
[QUOTE="Vasichko"]If Americans arent greedy and materialist then why is that Lexus, Infiniti, and Acura dont exist anywhere else in the world?Acura = Japanese company Lexus = Offshoot of Toyota which is a Japanese company Infiniti = Offshoot of Nissan which is a Japanese company Don't read into this post, I just found it funny.
LMAO. Acura is the luxury Hondas.
[QUOTE="Vasichko"]If Americans arent greedy and materialist then why is that Lexus, Infiniti, and Acura dont exist anywhere else in the world?
Could you explain how those two things relate? I don't see how 'demand for luxury cars' = 'greedy and materialist'.
his posts made no sense to start withIf Americans arent greedy and materialist then why is that Lexus, Infiniti, and Acura dont exist anywhere else in the world?
Great point.:?
I just lost alot of respect for him.
You lost respect for him, why? If it's regarding his statements about Americans, I couldn't agree with him more. He speaks only the truth. I'm an American, and even I can say that Americans, as a nation, are the greediest, most materialistic, arrogant bunch of morons you'd probably never want to meet...
I'm Canadian...and I agree with you!
Personally I found it funny when everyone though Kojima was bashing MGS4 with his first statements, and I'm going to love how this one gets twisted by the fanboys.
I just lost alot of respect for him.
You lost respect for him, why? If it's regarding his statements about Americans, I couldn't agree with him more. He speaks only the truth. I'm an American, and even I can say that Americans, as a nation, are the greediest, most materialistic, arrogant bunch of morons you'd probably never want to meet...
I'm Canadian...and I agree with you!
Personally I found it funny when everyone though Kojima was bashing MGS4 with his first statements, and I'm going to love how this one gets twisted by the fanboys.
He was being modest about his efforts with the game. However he said the PS3 limited his game. He said he maxed out the cell and it was a limiting factore. Usually devs say the memory or graphics chip.
I just lost alot of respect for him.
You lost respect for him, why? If it's regarding his statements about Americans, I couldn't agree with him more. He speaks only the truth. I'm an American, and even I can say that Americans, as a nation, are the greediest, most materialistic, arrogant bunch of morons you'd probably never want to meet...
I'm Canadian...and I agree with you!
Personally I found it funny when everyone though Kojima was bashing MGS4 with his first statements, and I'm going to love how this one gets twisted by the fanboys.
He was being modest about his efforts with the game. However he said the PS3 limited his game. He said he maxed out the cell and it was a limiting factore. Usually devs say the memory or graphics chip.
Basically, it sounded like he heard he was making a next-gen game, and he thought, "Oh man! I can do all this amazing stuff!" Then he tried to implement it, and he realized that vision wasn't feasable with the technology.
That's not a judgment on the PS3, it just means that he overshot what could be done, and had to dial his expectations back a bit.
i think its one of two things. #1 his company freaked out on him and told him off. so then he took back what he said . #2 it really was bad translations and his words got twisted .
one of the things is it looks like he was taking about ps3 being weak. i would not be shocked if it was true .
Kojima Damage Control....damn right hes controlling the damage it's going to do to 360 only owners everywhere when it's finally released. I honestly feel bad for anyone who says that they've lost respect for Kojima because of his comments, 99% of you don't understand Japanese culture and will probably never go to Japan!!(sorry if that offends you) hell I've been to Europe too and like I said in another post on a similar thread they don't like us over there. America is the greatest country in the world but everybody around the world sees us as arrogant and brash. How do you lose respect for someone when american developers like Ken Levine and David Jaffe are flooding internet boards with how their games are shocks from the gods above. Peter Molyneux is another one who falls into the hyperbole of overly hyping his games, look at Dan Houser from Rockstar games, Richard Garriott and Dennis Dyack from Silicon Knights they love to talk up their games to the public. I mean most of the titles from the individuals above are fantastic in every respect but hype is part of our damn culture, and Kojima is someone who just doesn't want his game to disappoint the public so how are you going to lose respect for him from that?I_Helios_Iand that gives him the right to make such a comment about americans? good god sir, you make so much sense :o
Kojima Damage Control....damn right hes controlling the damage it's going to do to 360 only owners everywhere when it's finally released. I honestly feel bad for anyone who says that they've lost respect for Kojima because of his comments, 99% of you don't understand Japanese culture and will probably never go to Japan!!(sorry if that offends you) hell I've been to Europe too and like I said in another post on a similar thread they don't like us over there. America is the greatest country in the world but everybody around the world sees us as arrogant and brash. How do you lose respect for someone when american developers like Ken Levine and David Jaffe are flooding internet boards with how their games are shocks from the gods above. Peter Molyneux is another one who falls into the hyperbole of overly hyping his games, look at Dan Houser from Rockstar games, Richard Garriott and Dennis Dyack from Silicon Knights they love to talk up their games to the public. I mean most of the titles from the individuals above are fantastic in every respect but hype is part of our damn culture, and Kojima is someone who just doesn't want his game to disappoint the public so how are you going to lose respect for him from that?I_Helios_I
Link to ONE of those people saying "OUR GAME IS THE BEST, THE END", or anything to that effect.
Except for maybe Peter Molyneux (and he's just getting carried away), they don't do that.
I just lost alot of respect for him.
You lost respect for him, why? If it's regarding his statements about Americans, I couldn't agree with him more. He speaks only the truth. I'm an American, and even I can say that Americans, as a nation, are the greediest, most materialistic, arrogant bunch of morons you'd probably never want to meet...
^ what he said
[QUOTE="I_Helios_I"]Kojima Damage Control....damn right hes controlling the damage it's going to do to 360 only owners everywhere when it's finally released. I honestly feel bad for anyone who says that they've lost respect for Kojima because of his comments, 99% of you don't understand Japanese culture and will probably never go to Japan!!(sorry if that offends you) hell I've been to Europe too and like I said in another post on a similar thread they don't like us over there. America is the greatest country in the world but everybody around the world sees us as arrogant and brash. How do you lose respect for someone when american developers like Ken Levine and David Jaffe are flooding internet boards with how their games are shocks from the gods above. Peter Molyneux is another one who falls into the hyperbole of overly hyping his games, look at Dan Houser from Rockstar games, Richard Garriott and Dennis Dyack from Silicon Knights they love to talk up their games to the public. I mean most of the titles from the individuals above are fantastic in every respect but hype is part of our damn culture, and Kojima is someone who just doesn't want his game to disappoint the public so how are you going to lose respect for him from that?sonicmj1
Link to ONE of those people saying "OUR GAME IS THE BEST, THE END", or anything to that effect.
Except for maybe Peter Molyneux (and he's just getting carried away), they don't do that.
He said for future reference from now on hes just going to say "Our GAME IS THE BEST, THE END" so now your just taking that out of context.
To Dante2710 what makes you think you can make any comments about people in other countries or people of other nationalities or anything for that matter? I mean I don't know you, probably will never meet you so I don't know if you make deragatory comments toward other people or are just a good person, the fact remains its freedom of speech. Open your eyes and your ears experience another country or hell just watch the'll see plenty of comments about other nations that are more insensitive and deragatory then what Kojima just said tenfold and I don't even think what he said was offensive. Hell is it even translated perfectly?
[QUOTE="I_Helios_I"]Kojima Damage Control....damn right hes controlling the damage it's going to do to 360 only owners everywhere when it's finally released. I honestly feel bad for anyone who says that they've lost respect for Kojima because of his comments, 99% of you don't understand Japanese culture and will probably never go to Japan!!(sorry if that offends you) hell I've been to Europe too and like I said in another post on a similar thread they don't like us over there. America is the greatest country in the world but everybody around the world sees us as arrogant and brash. How do you lose respect for someone when american developers like Ken Levine and David Jaffe are flooding internet boards with how their games are shocks from the gods above. Peter Molyneux is another one who falls into the hyperbole of overly hyping his games, look at Dan Houser from Rockstar games, Richard Garriott and Dennis Dyack from Silicon Knights they love to talk up their games to the public. I mean most of the titles from the individuals above are fantastic in every respect but hype is part of our damn culture, and Kojima is someone who just doesn't want his game to disappoint the public so how are you going to lose respect for him from that?sonicmj1
Link to ONE of those people saying "OUR GAME IS THE BEST, THE END", or anything to that effect.
Except for maybe Peter Molyneux (and he's just getting carried away), they don't do that.
Isnt Peter, and Lionhead based in the UK, not even apart of America.
[QUOTE="sonicmj1"][QUOTE="I_Helios_I"]Kojima Damage Control....damn right hes controlling the damage it's going to do to 360 only owners everywhere when it's finally released. I honestly feel bad for anyone who says that they've lost respect for Kojima because of his comments, 99% of you don't understand Japanese culture and will probably never go to Japan!!(sorry if that offends you) hell I've been to Europe too and like I said in another post on a similar thread they don't like us over there. America is the greatest country in the world but everybody around the world sees us as arrogant and brash. How do you lose respect for someone when american developers like Ken Levine and David Jaffe are flooding internet boards with how their games are shocks from the gods above. Peter Molyneux is another one who falls into the hyperbole of overly hyping his games, look at Dan Houser from Rockstar games, Richard Garriott and Dennis Dyack from Silicon Knights they love to talk up their games to the public. I mean most of the titles from the individuals above are fantastic in every respect but hype is part of our damn culture, and Kojima is someone who just doesn't want his game to disappoint the public so how are you going to lose respect for him from that?Shift05
Link to ONE of those people saying "OUR GAME IS THE BEST, THE END", or anything to that effect.
Except for maybe Peter Molyneux (and he's just getting carried away), they don't do that.
Isnt Peter, and Lionhead in the UK, not even apart of America.
hit the nail on the hammer, pretty much anyone from Europe who thinks america is greedy and brash needs to slap themselves in the face
I just lost alot of respect for him.
You lost respect for him, why? If it's regarding his statements about Americans, I couldn't agree with him more. He speaks only the truth. I'm an American, and even I can say that Americans, as a nation, are the greediest, most materialistic, arrogant bunch of morons you'd probably never want to meet...
I'm Canadian...and I agree with you!
Personally I found it funny when everyone though Kojima was bashing MGS4 with his first statements, and I'm going to love how this one gets twisted by the fanboys.
He was being modest about his efforts with the game. However he said the PS3 limited his game. He said he maxed out the cell and it was a limiting factore. Usually devs say the memory or graphics chip.
LOL??? See ladies and gentlemen; This is exactly what kojima is talking about. people that dont understand what he is talking about and therefore misinterpreting his words. Besides that "quote" you got from him, he also stated that he imagined fullscale battles and movie like graphics. Being a perfectionist, he imagines what he can and goes from there. It wasnt the actual ps3 that gave limits but the huge boundaries of his imagination. He also stated that the 360 was basically garbage in comparison to ps3 and I can dig up that "qoute" if you like. But at the same time...that could be misinterpreted. We are not yet in the world of gaming like kojima was hoping for thus making it fall short. He was hoping to gain ten steps into his idea and only took 1 but because people are so ignorant, they will try and spin things for the worst making it look bad. He maxed out the ps3 to his knowledge while hoping to make an interactive movie...You people. Being american, Im not even slightly offended by what he said, because I know exactly what he is talking about.
[QUOTE="Shift05"][QUOTE="sonicmj1"][QUOTE="I_Helios_I"]Kojima Damage Control....damn right hes controlling the damage it's going to do to 360 only owners everywhere when it's finally released. I honestly feel bad for anyone who says that they've lost respect for Kojima because of his comments, 99% of you don't understand Japanese culture and will probably never go to Japan!!(sorry if that offends you) hell I've been to Europe too and like I said in another post on a similar thread they don't like us over there. America is the greatest country in the world but everybody around the world sees us as arrogant and brash. How do you lose respect for someone when american developers like Ken Levine and David Jaffe are flooding internet boards with how their games are shocks from the gods above. Peter Molyneux is another one who falls into the hyperbole of overly hyping his games, look at Dan Houser from Rockstar games, Richard Garriott and Dennis Dyack from Silicon Knights they love to talk up their games to the public. I mean most of the titles from the individuals above are fantastic in every respect but hype is part of our damn culture, and Kojima is someone who just doesn't want his game to disappoint the public so how are you going to lose respect for him from that?ParadiddleFill
Link to ONE of those people saying "OUR GAME IS THE BEST, THE END", or anything to that effect.
Except for maybe Peter Molyneux (and he's just getting carried away), they don't do that.
Isnt Peter, and Lionhead in the UK, not even apart of America.
hit the nail on the hammer, pretty much anyone from Europe who thinks america is greedy and brash needs to slap themselves in the face
He said "western" people are not modest, so why are people assuming by "western" he only means American? He's talking about all of the WESTERN world, meaning the UK, US, Australia etc. Kritical_Strike
Thank you for actually realizing that Kritical lmfao I can't believe people who don't pay attention to that.
[QUOTE="sonicmj1"]Link to ONE of those people saying "OUR GAME IS THE BEST, THE END", or anything to that effect.
Except for maybe Peter Molyneux (and he's just getting carried away), they don't do that.
He said for future reference from now on hes just going to say "Our GAME IS THE BEST, THE END" so now your just taking that out of context.
To Dante2710 what makes you think you can make any comments about people in other countries or people of other nationalities or anything for that matter? I mean I don't know you, probably will never meet you so I don't know if you make deragatory comments toward other people or are just a good person, the fact remains its freedom of speech. Open your eyes and your ears experience another country or hell just watch the'll see plenty of comments about other nations that are more insensitive and deragatory then what Kojima just said tenfold and I don't even think what he said was offensive. Hell is it even translated perfectly?
"I dont wish to brag about it to say "I am the amazing Metal Gear guy" or to say "This is the best one", just like how Americans brag stuff like this..."
Alright. Here's the relevant quote.
Now, besides Peter Molyneux, can you link me to one of the people you listed who says stuff like that?
Because I can link you to a Japanese developer who does. Tomonobu Itagaki.
Speaking about Dead or Alive 4:
"Generally speaking, this is a game that obviously is a home console game, but it's also going to reach the level where it could be in the arcades without any problem, including everything that needs to be present in a fighting game and taking all those elements to the ultimate level."
Peter is British, by the way.
[QUOTE="Kritical_Strike"]He said "western" people are not modest, so why are people assuming by "western" he only means American? He's talking about all of the WESTERN world, meaning the UK, US, Australia etc. I_Helios_I
Thank you for actually realizing that Kritical lmfao I can't believe people who don't pay attention to that.
The post which is being replied to was talking about American devs, which Peter is not. As well Kojima only ever mentions America, even before saying Westerners, he doesn't mention any other country, just America multiple times. So I think it would be easy to see who he is mainly targeting.
[QUOTE="I_Helios_I"][QUOTE="sonicmj1"]Link to ONE of those people saying "OUR GAME IS THE BEST, THE END", or anything to that effect.
Except for maybe Peter Molyneux (and he's just getting carried away), they don't do that.
He said for future reference from now on hes just going to say "Our GAME IS THE BEST, THE END" so now your just taking that out of context.
To Dante2710 what makes you think you can make any comments about people in other countries or people of other nationalities or anything for that matter? I mean I don't know you, probably will never meet you so I don't know if you make deragatory comments toward other people or are just a good person, the fact remains its freedom of speech. Open your eyes and your ears experience another country or hell just watch the'll see plenty of comments about other nations that are more insensitive and deragatory then what Kojima just said tenfold and I don't even think what he said was offensive. Hell is it even translated perfectly?
"I dont wish to brag about it to say "I am the amazing Metal Gear guy" or to say "This is the best one", just like how Americans brag stuff like this..."
Alright. Here's the relevant quote.
Now, besides Peter Molyneux, can you link me to one of the people you listed who says stuff like that?
Because I can link you to a Japanese developer who does. Tomonobu Itagaki.
Speaking about Dead or Alive 4:
"Generally speaking, this is a game that obviously is a home console game, but it's also going to reach the level where it could be in the arcades without any problem, including everything that needs to be present in a fighting game and taking all those elements to the ultimate level."
Peter is British, by the way.
John Romero for one but that was a while back. :P Not agreeing with anyone, just throwing that bit in.Please Log In to post.
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