This is an old thread, this has been done.
I've already posted in depth, TWICE on this subject. I will dig those up instaed of reposting essentially the same thoughts.
While I do hope NATAL is wonderful, I am not going to be sold on my or someone else's imagination or words.
Software is what I care about, not nameless games.
It's cool that they got support (Obvious that was going to happen), what games actually come from this is what matters. If it's minigames from these folks, and half arsed stuff, it won't matter.
Putting a name on a paper means nothing. Sony did the same thing last gen with Eyetoy, putting companies names down like EA, Konami, Disney, etc.
Looks great, until you are using a magic wand and casting spells in Harry Potter for PS2...
How can anyone really praise a product that we know almost nothing about? I think the PR on this project is top notch, because we have people stoked and no games to literally point at in anticipation. It's amazing marketing.
Kojima's only talking about it.
Until there is some REAL SOFTWARE, consider me unwowed no matter their attempt at hype. I'll give them props though, there is some folks excited, so obviously others are too, despite the lack of real games, so that's something.
That's great, but they are only speaking about it.
I am still not even convinced on the technology yet. It's one thing if Kojima was talking about HIS NEW GAME for X Console, as we know what to expect. It's another to hear him or anyone talk about Natal before we can actuallly play any games.
Right now, Hype is our imaginations.
I can Imagine Minority Report, Matrix, Gamer, etc, but I care about the reality, y'know? 
For the Record, Kojima said similar things about the Wii.
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