If this turns out to be true, how will you all feel?
Edit: This turned out to be true, will lock this thread now -david_lck
This topic is locked from further discussion.
"We will pursue mobile games aggressively," says Konami's new CEO Hayakawa in an interview with Nikkei Trendy Net.
"Our main platform will be mobiles. Following the pay-as-you-play model of games like Power pro and Winning Eleven with additional content, our games must move from selling things like "items" to selling things like "features."
"We saw with these games that even people who buy physical games are motivated to buy extra content. The success of Power pro especially has motivated us to actively push more of our popular series onto mobile than ever before."
"Gaming has spread to a number of platforms, but at the end of the day, the platform that is always closest to us, is mobile. Mobile is where the future of gaming lies."
"We hope that our overseas games such as MGSV and Winning Eleven continue to do well, but we are always thinking about how to push our franchises onto mobile there too."
"With multiplatform games, there's really no point in dividing the market into categories anymore. Mobiles will take on the new role of linking the general public to the gaming world."
Meh. I don't really care after MGSV.
Not to say a good MGS game couldn't be made without Kojima, but it just wouldn't be the same. I would want a full on reboot anyways which Konami probably wouldn't do. They're going to milk the established characters and universe to death. Even with Kojima at the helm the series would need a reboot, but without him it's only going to be worse.
If they're going to ruin MGS they might as well make it fast and this seems like a great option for that.
Any Japanese company who is only interested in the local market will go mobile. Looks like Konami isn't competent or ambitious enough like SE and SEGA who hold Western game companies like Relic, Eidos, etc. Konami probably doesn't care about the West. They only care about Japan and since Japan is all mobile now they go mobile too.
Yep, it was a good ride, but it had to end eventually. We got a few awesome games out of it and it's going out with a bang. Kojima finally got to create the open ended stealth game he's been wanting to make since the original Metal Gear. Can't ask for much more than that.
I'd be open to some decent spin offs, like Rising of course, but the main series is done and it's all good.
@davem1992: I guess my dreams of a Suikoden 6 are permantly dashed... or hell having suikoden 3, 4, 5 and tactics on psn... gone because Konami doesn't care about traditional gaming it seems. Another greedy company following the casuals to the non gaming world of "how can we rake on the most money from ignorant saps" games... something I am highly against.
Goodbye suikoden, silent hill and castlevania... I will miss thee. Here's to hoping they get sold to another dev. As for mgs. The series will be dead after 5 anyway so not a huge deal as Kojima is gone.
We got a few awesome games out of it and it's going out with a bang. Kojima finally got to create the open ended stealth game he's been wanting to make since the original Metal Gear. Can't ask for much more than that.
I was gonna rage but when you put it like that it all seems ok lol
Not a single red penny of my money is going to them now. MGSV is my final Konami purchase. If only to prove that their best selling and most profitable product from now on was a core game.
Well here is the shit part. Konami likely won't be parting with any of their IPs. Beyond the fact that they'll be gearing a lot of these IPs towards mobile gaming, they'll also be using them for the other arm of their business.
These old franchises we loved don't get to die an honorable death. They get to shamble around like zombies. Such a waste.
Well after Kojima exits the franchise and konami and their dumb statements is obvious they are going to destroy it mobile or not so i guess just move on, not much we can do about it.
Then they have no passion for video games. They just want to milk casual market instead of spending money on games for core gamers.
Lol Mobiles.
Indifferent. The series was always too Japanese for me anyway. So much melodramatic crap.
says the guy with an anime avatar and sig...
Indifferent. The series was always too Japanese for me anyway. So much melodramatic crap.
says the guy with an anime avatar and sig...
My avatar is from Pokemon. Pokemon does have an anime (which is garbage) but I enjoy it for the video game which doesn't have anywhere near the amount of melodramatic bullshit that metal gear does. My sig is from nuclear throne, a rogue like indie game, which is in no way related to anime.
Not a single red penny of my money is going to them now. MGSV is my final Konami purchase. If only to prove that their best selling and most profitable product from now on was a core game.
I thought Pro Evo was their best selling product.
@inb4uall: Pokemon has a shitton of melodramatic bullshit, and it's a series that preys on people who are willing to buy, and apologize for, the same thing with a new skin every year. Metal Gear Solid's fantastic for how every game in the series changes, which you would know if you played good games.
Not a single red penny of my money is going to them now. MGSV is my final Konami purchase. If only to prove that their best selling and most profitable product from now on was a core game.
I thought Pro Evo was their best selling product.
You might just be right on that. Oh well, I don't buy sports titles lol Unless you count Formula 1 games.
@inb4uall: Pokemon has a shitton of melodramatic bullshit, and it's a series that preys on people who are willing to buy, and apologize for, the same thing with a new skin every year. Metal Gear Solid's fantastic for how every game in the series changes, which you would know if you played good games.
The games barely have a story at all let alone melodrama. Go ahead an get upset that I shit on a game you like though. Couldn't care less what you think.
With the huge Japanese console crisis and the success of mobile gaming ... its expected. Nintendo is focusing on mobiles as well.
Konami is not one of the best japanese developers anymore , they used to but now with Kojima out of the picture ... I dont know ... time will tell .. The only thing that matters konami related atm is MGS5 ..
Well if that happens, the best we can hope for is if Kojima makes a kickstarter campaign for the spiritual successor or I wouldn't mind funding a new project of his what ever it might be. A lot of old game franchises are dying out now due to greedy publishers. And more and more people are looking to things like Kickstarter to get what they want.
Unfortunate news. Some of my favorite gaming memories are from Konami titles. Mobile and gaming should not even be in the same sentence lol
Not a single red penny of my money is going to them now. MGSV is my final Konami purchase. If only to prove that their best selling and most profitable product from now on was a core game.
I thought Pro Evo was their best selling product.
You might just be right on that. Oh well, I don't buy sports titles lol Unless you count Formula 1 games.
Yeah, I only get them every now and then. But I didn't enjoy Fifa 14 or Pro Evo 2014, they weren't fun, they took themselves more seriously than they used to. I used have a blast on older football games.
@inb4uall: Pokemon has a shitton of melodramatic bullshit, and it's a series that preys on people who are willing to buy, and apologize for, the same thing with a new skin every year. Metal Gear Solid's fantastic for how every game in the series changes, which you would know if you played good games.
The games barely have a story at all let alone melodrama. Go ahead an get upset that I shit on a game you like though. Couldn't care less what you think.
Well yes Jon, it's been noted that due to your poor scope in video games, your arguments constantly come down to "but consolez!!1!" and "I don't care what you think!." Very much the Fighting Illini education at work, I see.
You're also blatantly ignorant of the English language if you think Pokemon doesn't have the exaggerated characters or drama meant to appeal to emotions that is typical of melodrama. MGS does it in overly long cutscenes (but you wouldn't know), Pokemon does it in awful monologues. Pretty much every villain from Gen 3 and onward, like here.
And no Jon, no one is upset you "shit" on a series you haven't played. You're barely worthy of a proper discussion of the series, because if I were looking for that, @ConanTheStoner already posted here. :)
@inb4uall: Pokemon has a shitton of melodramatic bullshit, and it's a series that preys on people who are willing to buy, and apologize for, the same thing with a new skin every year. Metal Gear Solid's fantastic for how every game in the series changes, which you would know if you played good games.
When I first played MGS3 and encountered the boss that controls bees I was like WTF is this shit? There was also this character who danced around it was so awkward and bizarre. I like real-life stealth not this shit. I do not like Japanese theatrics. They seem so stupid to me. Not to mention getting caught doesn't get you killed. I so much prefer Splinter Cell and even Hitman over MGS.
What's odd is this isn't just a Konami thing, from the looks of it this is a Capcom thing they're transitioning to, no mobile games exactly but PC F2P games and MMOs, and Nintendo is doing god knows what but my guess is it'll not be a conventional market. I think the entire Japanese market is going bust catering to their own domestic market in hopes the rest of the world wants what they're offering... but we won't.
MGS, silent hill and Castlevania themed pachinko machines incoming.
Konami is dropping it's vidya related endeavours in favor of gambling and the hope of revised Japanese gaming laws.
Japan needs to start kicking out these 70 year old Ceo's that don't understand the modern consumer.
PC and Console elitist always trying to downplay mobile gaming. Tisk tisk.
Can't blame a company trying to make $$$.
Who cares, after MGS V (which in all honestly, looks amazing) and without Kojima, series will fall even further.
@inb4uall: Pokemon has a shitton of melodramatic bullshit, and it's a series that preys on people who are willing to buy, and apologize for, the same thing with a new skin every year. Metal Gear Solid's fantastic for how every game in the series changes, which you would know if you played good games.
The games barely have a story at all let alone melodrama.
I don't know man, the "friends" in Pokemon X/Y were hella lame. That douchebag that wants to dance all the time was butthole cancer.
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