@davillain- said:
@ConanTheStoner said:
@GoldenElementXL said:
MGS V is selling around what MGS 4 sold
Wait what? From what I've read, MGSV almost reached MGS4's ltd numbers in its first day. It's already the fastest selling game in the series, even speeding past MGS2s initial numbers.
Not saying you're wrong here, but do you have a source?
Well I did a little digging on this matter at hand and this is the only link I found that discuss on Guns of the Patriots sales vs Phantom Pain: MGS5 sales
From the article:
The first is that the game has sold 3 million units since launch, great by most metrics, though as our own Ollie Barder notes, Metal Gear Solid 4 also put up similar numbers when it was just a PS3 exclusive, so that’s a bit of a red flag. And givenMGSV’s enormous budget and marketing costs, it’s going to have to move significantly more copies to be profitable for Konami, which is what the publisher was worried about during the game’s expensive development with Kojima.
Now remember, Guns of the Patriots is still a PS3 exclusive vs Phantom Pain multiplatform so that has to be taking into account.
You have to be careful with Forbes (it's well known Forbes very, very bad reputation here) since they post a lot of misinformation, usually due to lack of research by the contributors who typically seem to be casual/ non-gamers who posts a quick "article" for clickbait.
Case in point this Forbes contributor was just citing Dualshockers which reads:
Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain Ships Over Three Million Copies Worldwide, Matches MGS4
However, this Forbes writer then confused his own information and replaced the word "ship" with "sold", and incorrectly posted "the game has sold 3 million units since launch". That's not what was stated. The article this Forbes guy got this information from never said it sold 3 million, it said it SHIPPED 3 million globally.
There is a distinction between Shipped and Sold in this information because unlike MGS4, MGS5 is also sold digitally on PS3, 360, PC, PS4, and Xbone.
Forbes screwed up again, which is what they are known for when it comes to gaming.
I would recommend if you find yourself at a Forbes "article", to also look at their citation as if you are a teacher and they are the student, because they just screw up a lot. TBH, I follow information trails all the time though, even non-Forbes because people screw up so much these days.
Now that we see that Forbes screwed up their own information, going to the source we see MGS5 shipped 3 million units day one.
Remember too, MGS4 needed to be shipped and it was a huge game on a single Blu-Ray disc. MGS4 was not sold digitally and it was only one one platform.
MGSV was shipped same/similar numbers FOR DAY ONE as MGS4, it's true, but MGSV is also digital on five platforms. We see the shipping numbers are similar, but we haven't seen the MGSV digital sales numbers at all (as they are sold directly and therefore don't need to be shipped.) For the PC market, digital sales are massive and MGS5 sales there wouldn't have been reported yet. All we can compare right now is just the shipping numbers for a non-digital, physical only 2008 game on one platform and a digital and physical 2015 game on five platforms.
What about week 1 shipping numbers? Week 2 weekly numbers? We don't have nearly enough information to say at all that MGSV is "selling" around what MGS4 sold. Anyone who is saying that should give a citation that we can scrutinize because Konami isn't talking yet.
I imagine Konami is seeing some good sales numbers for them to make headlines and say Kojima is still employed and is on vacation.
Then there is the holidays sales boost still coming as well.
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