When I first played GOW I though wow this character is such a hedonistic but then when I played GOW2 it just made it official, Kratos is definitely the most badd-ass character in gaming !
I actually didn't like Kratos from the beginning because I was so used to played Japanese type characters but damn did he grow on me, Kratos really feels awesome to play with and you can really unleash your inner rage through him :D
I always believed that Japanese action games are way better then anything America can come up with. When I first heard about GOW I wasn't really that interested but I kept hearing that it was an awesome action game, so I figured I will check up on the game since everyone is braggin about it, When I heard it was American developed I thought that it would definitely not be as good as Japanese action games yet I figured I would buy it just because its developed by Sony, and if I didn't like it I will just give it back.
I got that game and BAM ! I loved it :) I wasn't used to the fighting mechanics at first because I prefered more in the vain of DMC but it grew on me since it was simple yet really fun.
GOW2 has to taker the cake though, The most entertaining game I have ever played on my PS2, GOW2 is the reason I haven't yet bought a PS3 !
Kratos has definitely became an awesome character and one who everyone will like no matter even if your into japanese type action characters.
Kratos pwns all..... except Dante and Solid snake since they are just a good
p.s. if Kratos wasn't such a brutal bad-ass and crazy character he would definitely had been the face of Playstation 2
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