Is it just me or are the boycotters just Steam users. I have two copies of the first game: the PC one is for custom content and the Xbox one is for my friends. When I talk to people it seems a lot more people on Steam are pissed off more than XBL players. Is it just because MS charges Xbox users for everything and steam users have always gotten it good or something? I personally think the boycott is completely unreasonable:
-Valve is a company with financial needs and cannot be expected to survive without the release of new games.
-Judgment cannot be passed on the quality of Left 4 Dead 2 until its release.
Then why is everyone already saying it is just a reskin of L4D with new maps?
-Left 4 Dead was, and is, a quality game which deserves the praise of the entire gaming community.
-To holding Valve to its promise of free, continual updates to Left 4 Dead in order to build and sustain the community.
-To keeping the Left 4 Dead community together in order to improve the quality of online gaming.
-To supporting the model of continual updates Valve has set forth with its staple products like Team Fortress 2.
This brings me back to the Xbox Vs. Steam point. People were obviously not thinking about MS. Valve is now moving into consoles so you have to take that into acount when you make something like this. TF2 is great, but the xbox hasn't seen a SINGLE one of the updates yet and it most likely will not be free.
-The release of Left 4 Dead 2 as a stand-alone sequel will split the communities and decrease the quality of multiplayer gaming.
In all honesty there will be a big drop in the players of L4D1, but the community for L4D2 will be just as large as the first one if their plan to make it so L4D2 players can play with L4D players.
-The announced content of Left 4 Dead 2 does not warrant a stand-alone, full-priced sequel and should instead become updates (free or otherwise) for Left 4 Dead.
-Left 4 Dead has not yet received the support and content which Valve has repeatedly stated will be delivered.
First of all they didn't really specify what the updates would contain, second, they never said they would stop with the updates.
-The release of Left 4 Dead 2 will make Left 4 Dead an obsolete purchase and inferior piece of software after only one year since release.
-That Valve honor its commitment to release ongoing periodic content for Left 4 Dead.
-That Left 4 Dead 2 not be released as a stand-alone, full-priced sequel but as either a free update to Left 4 Dead or an expansion with full compatibility with basic Left 4 Dead owners.
Once again, think of the XBL users. An expansion or update that size would not fit on many of the Xboxs unless you hard the largest harddrive for it or a harddrive with no downloads on it. Then they would have to do the TF2 route and give no support to Xbox.
-That Left 4 Dead owners be given discounts for Left 4 Dead 2, should it be released as premium content.
Valve has always given us everything for free. Cut them some slack and just deal with it. Imagine this, MS would charge us about $10 per update and it would probably add up to $60.
Therefore, we - the members of this Left 4 Dead 2 Boycott - promise to abstain from the purchase of Left 4 Dead 2 until our requests are addressed.
I'm not an xbox fanboy but this will probably label me as one for life, I love my PC and have been a pc gamer since 1994. I am just saying that when you make demands you have to think of everybody and not just one side. People just need to accept that Valve is moving into console territory and isn't a PC exclusive company anymore. Plus maybe it is just because I am older, but aren't you supposed to be excited about a sequel to a game you love comes out?
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