...cows are in denial too. MSFT had a HORRIBLE press conference but the last 10 minutes saved it? yes it was a megaton but they didnt show anything new. Sony had ZERO megatons or anything but atleast they showed some new IPs. So bassically Sony didn't "win" E3 and MSFT didnt either.
They kinda...tied i guess. MS had nothing the whole time but "megaton"news at the end while sony had there "meh" to "good" news spread across the whole thing. So bassically sheep are the only ones not in denial about E3, they know Nintendo failed pretty hard this time.
So can we stop with all the stupid threads screaming "ZOMGZ MS FTW FFXIII LULZ" and "LOLZ SONY WINNER NO DOUBT GOW3 FTW" imo M$ and Sony kinda tied with bad presentations while ninty came in well behind both of them. what do you guys think?
EDIT: ok some people are accusing me of fanboyism because of the title but these people are OBVIOUSLY not reading my post becaus ei clearly stated the title was just to get more people to read this since no one would care if i bashed cows because its been happening for the past 2 days.
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