Lemmings need to realizethat not everyone shares the same gaming tastes. Honestly, if I wanted to play Bioshock, Halo, or Mass Effect, I would have purchased a 360. I, however, do not. You guys have to be the most abrasive group on this forum.
I have no desire to play the Wii either, but I'm not going to start 50 threads claiming how lousy the Wii is. Are PS3 owners/ Cowsplaying the waiting game for big name exclusives? Certainly. I'm not going to start 50 threads knocking the quality and quantity of their exclusives.
Halo has sold, all iterations combined, around 22 - 23 million units. The PS2 has sold around 130,000,000 units. Clearly the gaming world as a whole really doesn't care much about Halo. There are other things out there....things not FPS...that people enjoy. I hope you enjoy your console, whatever you own. Just leave the rest of us alone about the console choice we made. We made said choice for a reason. PS3 owners don't mind waiting for their heavy hitting titles. Wii owners don't mind not having 1080p or stellar online. Hell, I don't think I've even played my PS3 online yet. I just don't care about online play.
The point is, get on your console and enjoy it. I don't understand why you guys have so much time to start bash threads when you allegedly have so many good games to play.
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