Ok something has to be said.. I see all you Halo fanboys saying "Killzone 2 wont be as good as Halo 3, NOTHING will be a Halo killer" are you FREAKING KIDDING ME?! Halo 3 is outdated and ALREADY so many games surpass it. COD4 Killed off Halo 3 long ago but yet you fanboys still cling to Halo like its the best game in the world! Its kind of funny, you Halo fanboys remind of the Goldeneye 64 fanboys back in the day. God, those goldeneye fanboys where rabid and just wouldnt let it go that other games that came out in the future would be better than Goldeneye, hell even today people say goldeneye is still the best FPS LMAO.. Its just nostalgia, the same with you Halo fanboys. 10 years from now you will still be comparing FPS to Halo just like Golden eye fanboys did for years after the game came out.. Look i can understand you guys being nostalgic and all but COME ON!!
Halo 3 is outdated compared to other games! infact ill be very disappinted of killzone 2 ISNT better than Halo 3 because Halo 3 is a lackluster bare bones FPS compared to other shooters already out.. So lets look at facts shall we..
1.KIllzone 2 DOES HAVE better graphics then Killzone 2.. Yes this is a fact, i dont care what you say "but but opinions" NO FANBOYS, FACT anyone will tell you this.
2.Killzone 2 will have a much much deeper and robust multiplayer than Halo 3 FACT! No, not opinoin FACT! Unlockable classes, in depth clan support and clan battles, continous ranking up, in depth leaderboards, the ability to bet "valor points" in more higer rank classes, the ability to mix and match any classes you want. All halo 3 has are the same guns with really a shallow and outdated ranking up system
3.Sound effects will KILL halo 3 sound effects.
4.oh and I remember before Halo 3 came out, the previews werent nearly as positive as they are for killzone 2! Sure halo 3 had good previews from IGN and other sites, but no preview ever gave such praise to halo 3 as they do with killzone 2.
There you have it, Halo fanboys just let it go.. Halo isnt what it use to be, i dont care what kind sales numbers you throw at me, the facts are facts
OH and to the fanboys that say "Halo wars will KILL Killzone 2 sales" ARE YOU EFFIN KIDDING?! LOL come on, how stupid do you think gamers are?! Halo wars will sell 800k units tops! Just because Halo 3 sold millions dont mean halo spin offs will also sell milllions ok and i know for damn sure Killzone 2 will sell more consoles then Halo wars and Halo ODST will combine
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