So tomorrow we see for the first time GOW3 "real time" footage...
And Uncharted 2 and FNR4
predictions :D ?
Mine, GOW3 will destroy KZ2 graphically :D............hopefully :P
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So tomorrow we see for the first time GOW3 "real time" footage...
And Uncharted 2 and FNR4
predictions :D ?
Mine, GOW3 will destroy KZ2 graphically :D............hopefully :P
I laugh if MS announces a vid that upstages all those games. I doubt it, but I will definately laugh. Can't wait to see GOW3. I bet it is going to be some weak teaser though.So tomorrow we see for the first time GOW3 "real time" footage...
And Uncharted 2 and FNR4
predictions :D ?
Mine, GOW3 will destroy KZ2 graphically :D............hopefully :P
I laugh if MS announces a vid that upstages all those games. I doubt it, but I will definately laugh. Can't wait to see GOW3. I bet it is going to be some weak teaser though. this is a hyping GOW3 thread :P...not a MS vs Sony thread.... oh wait I posted in SW :POMG! Theres already a gif :lol:You mention Lame of War 3 but neglect to mention Brutal Legend?!
1) GOW franchise is pure awesomness 2) I loved Psychonauts, hate Jack mixed feelings about Brutal LegendGiancar
1) Played the first one. Loved the environments and atmosphere but the actual gameplay isn't for me.
2) Tim Schafer = No worries on my end.
[QUOTE="Giancar"] 1) GOW franchise is pure awesomness 2) I loved Psychonauts, hate Jack mixed feelings about Brutal LegendZeldaMaster32
1) Played the first one. Loved the environments and atmosphere but the actual gameplay isn't for me.
2) Tim Schafer = No worries on my end.
Play the 2nd ones, it is in my top 5 last gen games...sooo good[QUOTE="Haziqonfire"] OMG! Theres already a gif :lol:ZeldaMaster32
I still love the part with the grape. :D
My favourite is the little break down towards the end of the "Last week I sawr a film, as I recall it was a horror film".im glad i own all 3 because i dont have to make topics on system wars claiming the next big hit is coming lol,
every game so far that rode the hype train failed,
gta iv
resistance 1
halo 3
quantum of solace-360 ps2 ps3 versions only(they forgot what goldeneye was knwon for in those versions)
perfect dark zero
zelda tp to a certain extent
excite truck
this list is bigger if i included ps3 it self,
lol a hyped system that sits third
and a 360 which is goodbut not what microsoft claimed it to be(a best seller) and a movie like experience (movies look good on sd and hd tvs but a 360 looks blurry on a sd and good in hd) see the difference nintendo told you what to expect sony and ms just run thier mouth) look whos doing the action
its wii and 360 whos doing the action
so ya tell me if timesplitters 4 on ps3 is good than you can say anything
your post didn't make any sense at all :? I have 3 systems and I like to hype my favourite franchises...what's wrong with that :?im glad i own all 3 because i dont have to make topics on system wars claiming the next big hit is coming lol,
every game so far that rode the hype train failed,
gta iv
resistance 1
halo 3
quantum of solace-360 ps2 ps3 versions only(they forgot what goldeneye was knwon for in those versions)
perfect dark zero
zelda tp to a certain extent
excite truck
this list is bigger if i included ps3 it self,
lol a hyped system that sits third
and a 360 which is goodbut not what microsoft claimed it to be(a best seller) and a movie like experience (movies look good on sd and hd tvs but a 360 looks blurry on a sd and good in hd) see the difference nintendo told you what to expect sony and ms just run thier mouth) look whos doing the action
its wii and 360 whos doing the action
so ya tell me if timesplitters 4 on ps3 is good than you can say anything
God of War III is a breath of fresh air, cause every game this gen seems to be a shooter. I wish Microsoft would work on a series like GOW, instead of shooter after shooter after racer.AHUGECATget mirror's edge or damnation. those two and fracture are the 3 most interesting concepts I've seen. as for execution, fracture was a huge flop, I have yet to get damnation, and mirror's edge is REALLY good. if your wondering, damnation is mirrors edge movement+steampunking everything+thousands of game feet tall maps and miles wide ones+the longest campaign ever+gears of war 2 cover system=HOLY @#$&
You must be one pissed off glad i own all 3 because i dont have to make topics on system wars claiming the next big hit is coming lol,
every game so far that rode the hype train failed,
gta iv
resistance 1
halo 3
quantum of solace-360 ps2 ps3 versions only(they forgot what goldeneye was knwon for in those versions)
perfect dark zero
zelda tp to a certain extent
excite truck
this list is bigger if i included ps3 it self,
lol a hyped system that sits third
and a 360 which is goodbut not what microsoft claimed it to be(a best seller) and a movie like experience (movies look good on sd and hd tvs but a 360 looks blurry on a sd and good in hd) see the difference nintendo told you what to expect sony and ms just run thier mouth) look whos doing the action
its wii and 360 whos doing the action
so ya tell me if timesplitters 4 on ps3 is good than you can say anything
God of War III is a breath of fresh air, cause every game this gen seems to be a shooter. I wish Microsoft would work on a series like GOW, instead of shooter after shooter after racer.AHUGECATWhat you think Ninja Blade is? It is by the Otogi team So I still have faith in the game.
[QUOTE="AHUGECAT"]God of War III is a breath of fresh air, cause every game this gen seems to be a shooter. I wish Microsoft would work on a series like GOW, instead of shooter after shooter after racer.too_much_eslimWhat you think Ninja Blade is? It is by the Otogi team So I still have faith in the game. man don't hype that game at all...same with Demon's Soul both will be mediocre at best IMO
[QUOTE="too_much_eslim"][QUOTE="AHUGECAT"]God of War III is a breath of fresh air, cause every game this gen seems to be a shooter. I wish Microsoft would work on a series like GOW, instead of shooter after shooter after racer.GiancarWhat you think Ninja Blade is? It is by the Otogi team So I still have faith in the game. man don't hype that game at all...same with Demon's Soul both will be mediocre at best IMO I din't hype it, but he said he wish MS would stop catering to shooters. Just showing proof they aren't. Also if you played Otogi you would know why I am optomistic about this game. Also believe it or not the new vids made teh game look better. They probaly edited, but the game does resemble that. It looks it will be at least decent. Also I was upset with Demon Soul, but that new trailer looked great, but if it is still as floaty and the hit detection is still off then they will have a problem.
[QUOTE="Giancar"][QUOTE="Toriko42"] Nope, I get Spike TV here, it comes on at 6:00 PacificKrigonI live in South America, no Spike TV over here :cry: There are other ways to see it. Internet streaming. I don't know a website... but tomorrow someone will post a site for sure, lol
God of War III is a breath of fresh air, cause every game this gen seems to be a shooter. I wish Microsoft would work on a series like GOW, instead of shooter after shooter after racer.AHUGECAT
I hate games like God of War, yet love me some FPS's that are smart and innovative (HL2, Bioshock, Fallout 3, etc). Theres a reason why FPS's are the most popular genre in gaming by a long shot...
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