Countless threads are about which consoles better and what not, but in the end of the day does it really matter if 2 - 3 textures don't match up to certain versions and the answer is, no. The "GAME" it self is what matters and the quality of it, people are forgetting that only 20 years or so earlier we had 16 bit 2D platforms being the best games around now it's all about graphics. I know I'll get flamed on these forums but i don't care. The point is why are we not asking for better game play instead of graphics. I don't want games simulating real life if I did I would play the sims instead, I want games that make me think "Why didn't I come up with this it's so easy and awesome". Allot of new games have been trying to this but people don't give them credit instead the piss and moan about the console that is in fact a PC with a specific operating system devoted to it by a company. It's time to grow up and embrace gaming and stop whining. It's time for next gen. End of rant.
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