its gonna be a craptastic inferiorport to the PC version
its gonna have bad precision like if i need to build somethin an i wanna move my mouse to this thing instantly i can do that with a pc
with a wii i got waggle my way around the screen take ten minutes to get to the spot i want this is terrible this isnt gonna even work its gonna so lame
ppl r like yah wii mote perfect for pc games like sim city an starcraft cuz like its olike a mouse an stuff
newsflash PPL have tried to use the wii-mote on there pc's an it sucks it sucks bad nobody would do it an use for stuff like that cuz it doesnt work as good thats just a fact no matter how much u do theres still no real 100% precision that u get from a mouse on teh wii mote
so what max wright the nerd from the sims likes the wii so what hes not someone i look up to i mean dude he can go play the wii do whatever he wants he doesnt dictate my pc gaming his games arentevn all that great i mean in the first place
stop talkin like the wii mote is the next best device for bringin pc games to life on consoles if that was the case why does microsoft an sony sel mice/keyboards for there systems alrdy? so again wrong wrong
i just cannot believe i keep seeing nintendo ppl hypin this as like haha 360 ps3 we get this game an u dont we the orginal console of this gen eat this an dude NOBODYs gonna buy that version nobody ppl who dont even have pc arent even gonna buy cuz its so bad so plz just stop just stop id rather play spore in a public library on there computer then on a wii ur its not gonna be good will wright is old an likes playin with his wii so let him an throws out that stuff fine i dont care
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