Your Favorite/Most Used Gaming Platform This Gen?
Your Top Three Games on Your Favorite Current Gen Platform?
MW2, COD Black Ops, Rainbow 6 Vegas 2 (i play these often, well not RB6V2 so much anymore)
Your Top Three Games From This Gen Overall?
Batman Arkham Asylum ,Assasins Creed, RB6V2
Your Favorite/Most Used Handheld Gaming Device?
Dont own one
Your Top Three Games for Said Device?
I dont own one, but Socom for PSP, Syphon Filter and Daxter for the PSP look great tho
What Online Gaming Service, if any, did you use most often?
Your Top Three Downloadable Games (Arcade/PSN/Indie/Ect)
Gemini Rue, i dont own it yet, but it looks amazing, so i will get it soon
What Systems/Platforms have you owned this Gen, and How many did you buy (Broken/sold/rebought/ect)
Xbox 360 ( owned it 3 times, sold it all 3, then bought another 1 which is currently upstairs)
PS3 ( owned it 2 times, sold it all 2)
Wii ( owned it once, sold it once)
Nintendo DS ( owned once, sold once, a few weeks ago actually so i could get the First Strike DLC for Black Ops)
PC (my father bought one when i was 12 for the family......built one myself last year....still going strong, never going to sell it...well maybe next year when i start college i will and use that money to build a new one aswell as the governments money hehe :P
How do you feel about this Gen overall? (Very Satisfied/Content/Disappointed/Very Disappointed) Elaborate if you wish.
I feel satisfied in a way.
Im happy with PC gaming, although i would like it if there was a more broader variety of genres that PC gamers could get, like TPS, Adventure games etc for the PC, i know its all about money and the PC platform i suppose is ignored in regards to that, but i get bored of playing FPS's (not that i dont like them, i do, but i'd like to play something else aswell) and would like to see some more variety on PC.
TPS and Adventure games with influence like Socom and Uncharted.
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