Looking Glass Studios was founded by Paul Neurath and Ned Lemer, back in 1992. Before that time, RPGs used to be in top down perspective. Back then Origin used to make Ultima games, which were pretty ground breaking. Looking Glass (which also contained talent from Origin) approached them to bring a new kind of RPG on the table, that no one has ever made before, a First Person RPG.

Their goal was to make an immersive non linear, player driven game where you can directly interact with the environment and affect it in First Person Perspective. Origin decided to let them make a game that takes place in Ultima universe. Hence, the father of modern RPGs, Ultima: Underworld was born.

With Ultima: Underworld, Looking Glass introduced the world, an entire new genre, that revolutionized huge part of video games forever. Ultima: Underworld was a Fantasy RPG, that was followed by a sequel. Not only that but then the studio used this formula to make a horror game called System Shock.

Later, same mechanics were used to make a Stealth game, Thief. Looking Glass guys also opened a lot of other studios around the globe and started to work on their own projects. In late 90s, in partnership with Irrational Games (also founded by ex Looking Glass employees), they released System Shock 2, which is still considered as one of the best games ever made.

Industry legend, Warren Spector also used to work at Looking Glass and he later founded his own studio called Ion Storm. Again, Ion Storm used same mechanics invented by Ultima: Underworld and used them to make Cyberpunk RPG called Deus Ex.

These legendary games continued to inspire many games and genres for many years, including hot favorites like The Elder Scrolls series and Fallout series.

Looking Glass Studio was closed in 2000, but their legacy lives on, and their previous work continues to inspire new devs.

The good news is that now founder of Looking Glass is back with the new studio called OtherSide Entertainment. What's their moto?

OtherSide Entertainment is currently working on sequel to Ultima: Underworld 2 called Underworld: Ascendant and System Shock 3. Underworld: Ascendant project is being overlooked by Warren Spector, while voice of Garrett from Thief, Stephen Russell is confirmed to be in the game as well.

Looking Glass was easily one of the best, and still is one of the most most important studios that ever existed in video game industry.
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