@darkangel115 said:
With all this system wars BS and going on now. and all the MS hate, I thought I'd take a flash back to the PS3 launch to put some things in perspective.
Back in 2006 the PS3 launched. it had an unfamiliar architecture with the cell, it had split RAM which sony admitted a few years later was a mistake and caused memory leak issue in larger games. It launched at 600 dollars more then the PS4 and Xbox one did recently and 200 dollars more then the 360 which came out a year earlier. It had in it a BD player, something that not everybody wanted. I mean HD TVs weren't even a standard back then nor was HDMI as it is today. So an extra 200 dollars for a "bundled in" blu ray? Sony's response was "get a 2nd job to afford it"
then you had this
Sony was planning on blocking used game sales for the PS3 (DRM anyone?)
Then you had this
a valve developer calling the PS3 a "waste of everybody's time"
and "I think it's really clear that Sony lost track of what customers and what developers wanted"."
PS3 didn't have or really support indies either at launch. Xbox did and launched XBLA.
The joke of the PS3 for the first 2-3 years was it has no games (remember these?)
I thought I'd point this out. especially to the younger folks here. I was a proud owner of a 360 at launch and a proud owner of a PS3 at launch. But nobody gave me crap for getting a PS3 funny enough. And now 8+ years later we all can look back and say the PS3 did just fine. It wound up having plenty of games. Some big exclusives that were highly rated and about equaled the 360 in sales give or take. And while sony isn't in the best terms financially it sure didn't bankrupt them and they sure didn't kill it off or let it die. So why all the xbox is doomed threads? By all means the xbox one is selling better then any console ever outside the PS4. this includes the wii, PS3, and 360 from last gen. Sure MS has done some dumb stuff along the way. But nowhere as bad as Sony did back with the PS3 launch. Can we not forget the promise of BC that was removed to save sony money on making PS3s? The 7 controller support that never happened? the last guardian?
or what about this
and this
The main point was the PS3 launch was beyond a mess. So many lies, so many anti consumer things, too expensive due to BD disc, terrible architecture, no games and the list goes on yet, the PS3 wound up doing very well. So maybe a look back at history will show just how crazy some of the statements here are.
The PS3 worth was up to$1,400 if you actually wanted a Blu-ray player and xbox 360,blu-ray stand alone was $1,000 dollars,so basically sony sold people a Blu-ray player which by the way had the best image quality,and a next gen console all for $600 the PS3 was more than $800 dollars to manufacture,while been sold at $600,it was expensive but worth every damn dollar and then some..
Oh and Resistance scored 86% higher than any xbox one exclusive on Meta on launch.
The xbox one is weak and under power yet it cost more than the PS4,ad in fact in UK the xbox one was even more expensive on launch than the PS3,but didn't offer the value the PS3 had on 2006.
Your first link is bullsh** like it always happen on pre,launch in fact did you see sony delivering a patch on launch to eliminate the block on used games.?
No all the contrary Sony allowed owner to share PSN game with up to 5 people,he whole used games crap was based on a Patent awarded to sony on 2005 sound familiar.?
Yeah like it happen last year where people were claiming that sony would block used games based on a Patent,when it was MS who intended to block then and didn't own a patent on it.
The one that talk about Final Fantasy is a joke is for Japan,on Japan used games were illegal,it wasn't like in US in fact you can trace this to older consoles than the PS1.
Yes that same gave newell make portal 2 on PS3 and call the PS3 version he best version,oh wait maybe it was because the PS3 version had co-op with the PC version something the xbox 360 version totally lack because of MS policies..
Supporting indies on PS3 would have been a nightmare,first the PS3 was expensive tech,and second it was hard as hell to the point where big houses like EA,Activision and other have problems making games imagine how much sadder it would have been for Indies,but mind you that it was sony who sparked indies on consoles with its net Yaroze on 1,a cheap PS1 dev kit,when MS wasn't even on the console market.
No lemmings claimed it had no games,and did so for way more than 3 years,before the PS3 was actually 1 year old already Uncharted was out,Warhawk as well as several other games.
Maybe you were not here,because sony was mock by the PS3 price for years,and sales here were a parade for 360 fans specially NPD which now some xbox fans like William Baker and sts106mat want to avoid like a plague...
Sony catch MS sales wise because MS never had a competent consoles outside US or UK,the rest of the world was PS3 all the way..
Backward compatibility was remove to lower cost,since i was a day 1 owned it didn't affect me,but some sacrifices had to be made,hell it wasn't like you could not buy a PS2 cheap when that happen sony still sold them.
There are games that support 7 players with 7 controllers,see this is what i hate about fanboys you claim to own something but you don't really know your console,lol...
Oh and the whole 7 controller was more of side effect of Bluetooth than anything else,sony just allowed them.
One of the games that support 7 controllers...
Are you using mandatory install against the PS3.? I guess you most have hate PC,because rather than partially installing the game,on PC all the game get install,and just from 1 disc,i remember my copy of UT 2004 on PC was 5 disc to install.
Oh but wait didn't the xbox 360 got HDD installs.? Yeah in some games is even mandatory..lol
Even that MS sold units without HDD...lol
So many lies yes so did MS,like all games will be 720p minimum with 4Xaa..
What anti consumer things the PS3 had.?
It had blu-ray which gave you 1080p movies for a fraction of the retail price.
It had free online play,
It had online browser which allowed you to even watch videos on sites like Hulu,
Didn't force you to buy batteries with a separate charger.,
Didn't charge you $100 for a 20GB HDD or $99 for a crappy ass wifi adapter that on PC was $19 dollars or less,nor sell you a dead format HD-DVD for $200 separate.
Yeah it was the PS3 the one anti consumer,what console blocked Netflix,hulu,internet explorer and all its apps under a pay wall.?
Who charged you for online play since 2002.?
Yeah the PS3 was anti consumer lol...
Poor sad lemming..
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