I dunno what they are talking about in this article since me, I can already tell ya from that one screen shot that this will be the best Fable yet. :P
Anywho, just figured I pass this along for anyone interested.
I guess for some discussion purposes; I guessing this game to be the heavy hitter for Natal right outta the box and the determining factor of how well MS done making Natal, at least early on.....you?
Also, I'd like to know already what Rare is bringing to the Natal table.
The Story
Say one thing for Lionhead. Say it likes to keep us on a short leash with its teases. Not exactly giving us much to work with, the Microsoft thrall has released a single screenshot of upcoming life-changer Fable III.
There's really not a lot else we can say, but we thought you might be interested. For what it's worth, Fable III is looking like it might be good, but it's hard to judge that from just one screen. Let us be having some video, or at least more than a single picture at a time, please!
The game, designed with Project Natal in mind, is due out for release near the end of this year. Who is picking it up?
A few other earlier pics for your viewing pleasure. 8)
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