Halo 3
Ncaa Football 2008
Madden 2008
Unreal Tournament
CAll of Duty
splinter Cell
Nba 2k8
Grand Theft Auto
Total=480(im going to be broke)
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Too many. And, I may get a 360 before the end of the year, which would only complicate things further.
allthough these threads have been posted at reguar intervals since the dawn of 2007, I enjoy meaninglessly expressing myself once in a while. Here goes in order:
Mass Effect
Half Life 2:Orange Box
Assassins Creed
Halo 3
Crysis (to see pc haters owned although i cant even run it yet :()
Mario Galaxy
Elite Beat Agents (UK release)
This year I got so far:
I'm yet to get:
That's allot more then I usually get in a year.
Forza 2 (I already bought it), Halo 3, and GTA IV. The rest I can buy later for cheaper (Blue Dragon, Mass Effect, etc).
I already have-
C&C 3, Stalker, and Supreme Commander
I want-
Hellgate London, Crysis, UT3, Bioshock, Left 4 Dead, and Duke Nukem Forever(hopefully it is 2007).
Xbox 360
I want-
Halo 3, Too Human, Mass Effect, and The Darkness.
Heavenly Sword
Assasin's Creed
Uncharted: Drake's Fortune
Ninja Gaiden Sigma
The Darkness
Kane & Lynch
Ratchet & Clank Future
The Eye of Judgement
sigh, and I'm thinking of getting a 360 or a Wii as well. It's certainly is a great time to be a gamer!
Hour of Victory (when it's $20)
Enemy Territory: Quake Wars
L.A. Noire
Indiana Jones
The Crossing
Ninja Gaiden Sigma
Call of Duty 4
Burnout Paradise
Halo 3
White Gold: War in Paradise (SHARKRIDING!!)
So that's potentially 30 games from now till December 31st. 2007 is stupid.
PC: Crysis, Assassin's Creed, BioShock Ut3 and a 8800gts =p (maybe DMC4)
Wii: SSMB , Battalion Wars and Mario Galaxy
360 : dont own one yet and despite of the great titles out there for it i refuse to own a Microsoft system
Ps3 : dont own one at this time, and no games coming out this year intrested me. (MGS and FF do tho)
- The Darkness
- Stranglehold
- Bioshock
- Mass Effect
- Alone in the Dark
- Brothers in Arms: Hell's Highway
- Crysis
- Haze
- Kane & Lynch: Dead Men
- Left 4 Dead
- Splinter Cell: Conviction
- Assassin's Creed
- LittleBigPlanet
- Metal Gear Solid 4
- Rock Band or Guitar Hero III
- Uncharted
- Heavenly Sword
Hour of Victory (when it's $20)
Enemy Territory: Quake Wars
L.A. Noire
Indiana Jones
The Crossing
Ninja Gaiden Sigma
Call of Duty 4
Burnout Paradise
Halo 3
White Gold: War in Paradise (SHARKRIDING!!)So that's potentially 30 games from now till December 31st. 2007 is stupid.
that's a lot of money.
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