Mine as follows :-
Uncharted3, Forza4, Battlefield 3, Geow3 & MW3
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Dark Souls
Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword
Final Fantasy XIII-2 (if it comes out this year)
Super Mario 3D (even though I don't have a 3DS)
Maybe swap Gears 3 with the 360 version of The Witcher 2, The Witness or Dust: An Elysian Tail if the latter two are released in 2011. If I had a PS3, I'd probably swap Gears 3 with UC3 & also be looking forward to Journey.
Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary
Gears of War 3
Battlefield 3
Modern Warfare 3
The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword
For the remainder of 2011... assuming no further delays.
No specific order
but i still plan on picking up:
Plenty of games this second half of the year to play. but those 5 are at the tippy top, even though the other 5 i am still planning on picking up.
Skyward Sword
Super Mario 3DS (I have my serious doubts that it will come out this year though)
Gears of War 3
Uncharted 3
Modern Warfare 3 (Not really any other games that I am particularly excited about at this point.)
1) Dark Souls
2) Diablo 3 (hopefully)
3) Skyrim
4) Batman
5) RE ORC - just so I can feel smug about the terrible scores it will get. Screw you Capcom
I own a Wii and PS3 right now and I am most anticipating
1) Rayman Origins
2) The Legend of Zelda the Skyward Sword
3) Luigi's Mansion 2
4) Batman Arkham Asylum
5) Super Mario 3DS
Only 5 :cry: least to greatest
I also want to add a lot of 3ds games, plus a 3ds(i'm the only ninty fanboy who doe not own one).
Call of Duty:Modern Warfare 3
NHL 12
Battlefield 3
Far Cry 3...........There are more for me,but we can only list five.
All on Xbox 360.
1. Uncharted 3
2. Twisted Metal
3. Mario 3DS
4. Catherine
5. Zelda OoT 3DS --> Not until a few minutes ago did I place this on my list. I downloaded the 3D trailer for the game and it dawned on me: I like playing through really well made games, in fact I often play Mario 64 maybe once a year, but the 3D trailer really shows the amount of detail put into this remake. I'm pretty excited to go through the game, I only went through Ocarina once, and that was when the game first came out.
Diablo III would have been up there, but it is far from confirmed for this year.
Honestly, this is a really hard list to make. The top 3 are easily where they should be, but after that it becomes a bit harder. Super Mario 3DS, Skyrim, and many more have potential to be right up there.
5. ??? I guess Forza 4, but I don't own a 360, so I'm just jelly. :cry: Inconsistancy
lol I know what you mean. I am almost never jealous of the Xbox, but in this case I am :P. I wish they would put it on PC :(.
in no particular order:
batman arkham city, cod mw3, battlefield 3, skyrim and that rage games looks impressive.
Well here are some games I'm pumped/ interested in.
Skyward Sword (pumped), dead Island (interested) RE: Operation Racoon City (interested) AC: Revealtions (pumped) and RAGE. (Interested.) I would say Darksiders 2 but that's being released next year. (:()
MGS HDBigBoss255
You weren't disappointed by the exclusion of Metal Gear Solid? It was the ONE game in the series that would have REALLY benefitted from a visual overhaul. I'll be buying the comp, but mainly for Peace Walker--I have it for psp but never got too into it.
Dark Souls AC: Revelations FF Versus XIII FFVXIII Final Fantasy Versus Ex Ai Ai AiOil_rope_bombs
Bahahaha! Tell me that's a Greg Miller shoutout?!
But in your sig Zelda is in second place lol.gaming25Sig doesn't say places. :P And even then, that was made before I saw some Skyrim E3 stuff. Which bumped it up.
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