As the unwashed masses already know by now (and probaly has had many threads made about this very topic, so maybe thisll be locked. I dont know) Microsoft has rising the rates on its XBOX Live service. Originaly 49.99 a year, it is now going to be 59.99 a year, the price of a new HD console game.
Now, some people are probaly going to be pissed and cry foul, but really, is a 10 dollar increase THAT big of a deal? I still believea year of live is worth the price of a full game if they make it worth your while, which knowing MS they probaly will. However, I do think this move is surprising since PS has introduced its own subsciption model. I think MS is going to step up its offerings now that it raised the rates. If they dont, THEN I will call this epic fail. Will MS maybe lose a few subscribers because of this? yeah probaly, but there will still be plenty of people that will gladly pay it to continue getting what they get and fututre updates to the platform. Hell, iw ould argue that Live does more to imporve itself then PSN does. hell, they still dont have cross game chat.
So what say you guys, are you going to not going to renew once yours is up or will you continue to subscribe?
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