I don't know what kind of dream world "SOME" consolites live in and quiet frankly I'm happy I'm not infected by whatever thoughts pass through their mind but the sheer amount of contradictions, hypocrisy, and logic is just absolutely destable.
It seems whatever is praised is complained and whatever is complained is praised. Its become a routine practice. Not only this but sometimes it just gets short sighted and it just becomes something that would mostly make the average person not even aware of gaming shake their head in disbelief.
If you read this far I know what you're thinking. BlackBond what are you talking about? Well let me explain.
First off it is absolutely idiotic and untruthful to think that PC gaming is dying. I mean seriously why the hell would anybody say, think or let alone even claim this lol. You have 360/PS3 struggling to match the Wii in sales and yet you don't see anybody claiming that they are dying. You don't see anyone looking at the PS3's success compared to the PS2 and claim oh Sony's Games Division is dying (those who stated this in the beginging were also untruthful). I mean to even think that that PC gaming is dying should get you a well deserved baseball bat across the front of your face. How people keep throwing opinion out there and acting like its fact is just laughable. I mean hell look at Valve and Blizzard. You tell them PC gaming is dying.
Next up is this whole HD crap. The thing that console gamers are always stressing and ironically there is a big chunk of the big named games that can't even reach 720P....Go figure. PC is considered irrelevant and too expensive. Yet these are the same people clinging to their "So Called" HD resolutions on the comfort of their couch. Absolutly mind boggling. Even funnier apparently you can't use headsets, controllers, HD TV's or your couch when you play on a PC. Must be incompatible with Windows software or something.
I have to watch Gears of War/Uncharted who has the best graphics threads since the release of Uncharted. Both sidees go on and on and on and on about who's the graphics King. Every multiplat release is painfully examined like judges looking at pictures for a modeling agency. But when Crysis is shown these same people get all upset then they whine and complain about how all PC gamers do is tout their graphics. Call me crazy but last I checked PC gamers don't put the Wii down for its graphics and unlike the 360/PS3 they don't constantly go back and forth like a Tennis match to the point where they actually need an offical thread for them.
Yeah and what also kills me is the argueing over games. Rather then let one's own individual opinion and tastes be taken into account we have the whole scores thing. Which really isn't a problem but I do find it laughable as when the PC comes into this all of a sudden its we don't care how many good scoring games there are. Wel um if you don't care then why spend all this time bragging about AA's, AAA's, a AAAA, a consoles lack of a AAAE and two platforms lack of a AAAA.
I've even been witness to the drunking hatorade that is PC installations. Yet on the flipside it doesn't seem to be a problem for people that own a console that could potentially have 20GB's of HDD space. Hell while I'm at it why not call people out for complaining about PC upgrading but they sure don't complain about suggestions of upgrading a HDD.
But this is what really gets me. The most absolute funniest thing I think there is. The thought that people feel Console gaming should be accepted as something thats not a toy. Now what reasons do people not want consoles to be referred to as toys? Ah yes so they can feel that their hobby is looked at more then something that is just another Man Toy and as a some sort of legitiment form of entertainment (whatever that means) But lets be serious. People really expect the general public to not view gaming as some kind of toy/game/play thing with the way the majority of us act? lol. I mean seriously there is a reason why most outside of gaming in society look at us like the lazy degenerates of the world and to be honest I'm glad that they do. Because quiet frankly I don't believe we deserve to be thought of anything better. Lets not even go to gaming as an art or a sport. Or hell even how PC gamers are apparently nerds with no lives yet that doesn't apply to those oh so cool console gamers.
This thought of Consoles not being toys is just a means of trying to bring justification about to ones hobby. Nobody says you have to like or dislike but the way its carried is just completly crazed at times.
Lastly I propose that their needs to be a faq about PC gaming or some sort of "Seeing Eye Hermit" program to help the people who continuosly walk into walls of PC gaming.
Typically a "Face" but this post is what it means to turn "Heel"
Now this topic isn't 100% factually based and there is tons of opinion in it. Likewise I expect a lot of you guys to be able to disect and disagree with it which should result in some interesting discussions. Bring your scalpals.
Indeed lol
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